Saturday 21 January 2023


Twelve years ago we brought home Kody, our new crazy collie puppy.  The boys were so happy to have a new dog that they were even willing to sleep with him in the basement of our new house we were building, just so he wouldn't whine at night.  They attempted to train him with a thousand treats.

We all say that we learned so much from him.  The boys, especially.  Our minds are full of memories.  I have a picture in my head of them faithfully walking him down our country road day after day in the freezing snow, wind and rain, no matter what.  They talked and talked as they walked.  I'm convinced this is where their friendship as brothers was solidified, all because of that dog.

He had really no health issues his whole life other than a rash here and there.  I was so grateful for that.  There was really only one time where he was unwell with some kind of fever and this made him bark at night until someone would go out and see him.  I didn't know what to do because I was the only one who heard him.  I was already getting up at night with young children, I had no interest in waking up and going outside as well.  My husband said to go and wake up my son to check on the dog.  I felt so bad, but I did it anyway and to my shock and awe, he would go and take care of him, taking him for a short walk, giving him water, putting him on his leash and leaving him outside in the fresh air (it was summer).  Night after night this happened until we got him some meds.  And each night, I would go to sleep dreading what was coming, but each night my son would say to me, "If he starts barking, come and get me."  And I would, and he would faithfully wake up and take care of him for me.  I was so amazed.  He loved the dog and he was kind to me.  

We had a "funeral" last night for him where we went around and talked about our funny memories of him.  It was actually kind of special as we have a lot.  God used him in our life, a dog, to teach us patience, responsibility, kindness and so many other things.  Why did God create pets?  They are amazing!  They add so much to our lives.  I'm not sure I can convince my husband to get another one yet, but we are working on it.  Dogs and cats are quite different.  But it'll take some time....if we do decide to get another one, it might just be one that we can breed so that's a bigger decision.  In the meantime, we walk around seeing traces of him everywhere and we keep missing him.

I'm convinced God even led us to how to make the decision.  I saw God through the whole day in helping me work things out in our complicated life.  I saw God work so that my son could be with him in his final minutes.  I saw God guide the vet to walk us through the decision.  I just see how God cares about all these big decisions, even with our pets.

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