Tuesday 17 November 2015

I Should Be In Sales

Poor RM, day 2 of early rising...nearly killing him.  It's hard for me not to laugh a little.  I always say to him, "One of the seven habits of highly effective people!"  It's true!  Steven Covey says so in his book!  It's been great though....who wants to add more hours to their work day, but when you are in business for yourself, there are times when you have to add more hours and it's a good thing, especially as he is hunting down more work right now.  It's just the life of an entrepreneur....

This earlier hour is helping us with our laundry costs.  I was starting to get lazy and putting in a load in the middle of the day where the electricity is cheaper, but not cheapest.  Now, I'm getting more loads done at the cheapest hour which makes a huge difference with the amount of laundry I'm doing. 

Another interesting thing we've done to save our family some money has been to add more natural remedies to our life.  I'm not in the business of essential oils, nor am I marketing it for anyone, but the way I'm going to talk about them you would think I was in sales.  I went to a health food store a few weeks ago and said, "Give me something to boost our immunity!"  I can't remember who wasn't doing well at the time, but nothing I gave that person was working.  I needed them to get better and it wasn't happening.  The lady at the store suggested the oil of oregano and then gave me a book that went along with it.  I had heard of this for years, but had never tried it.  It wasn't that I didn't believe my friends who were using it, I just kept forgetting to buy it.  Finally, I had it in hand and went home to try it.

I read the book that went along with it and was amazed at all the things it could be used for, from allergies, to minor injuries, to colds and flu, sore throats, etc.....at the next sign of sickness, I gave it to one of my kids and seriously, they were better the next day.  Then I felt a little sick with a cold.  I took it and the next day, no symptoms.  I thought this was coincidence at first, but I have done this child after child and to my amazement, they always get better at a speed I've never seen before.  I've used it on cold sores, any skin irritation and it clears it up. 

This has to be one of the biggest secrets out there!  It saves you so much money on all the other drugs you would normally take when you are sick, like Tylenol or cold medicines.  We don't lose time the way we used to with sick kids lying around.  It doesn't pass through the whole house anymore like it used to.  I'm in awe of this oil and its medicinal qualities.  I told you I should be in sales.

So, I can't say enough about it.  We now use it at the first sign of a sniffle or sore throat.  It tastes horrible, but my kids have bought into it.  They see the difference themselves.  The trick is to make sure you take a full glass of water immediately after placing a few drops on your tongue.  If you do that then you can power through the taste no problem.

It may seem like a funny money saving idea, but it does save you money if you think about the way you would normally spend money on expensive medicines.   It's not always about money though, but about saving time in lost productivity.  I love how we've been healthy for months now.  My next major test for this oil will be in the summer during haying season.  If I can keep my kids from the alleriges they suffer then I'm going to go into the oil of oregano business.  Just watch.

1 comment:

  1. good for you - going for it. Have to check it now too !!!! (: ox
