Wednesday 2 February 2022

Rise, Let Us Be Going

Sad news this week for our son - he wasn't offered any interviews.  We had been so hopeful, but the reality is only 6% of the applicants, at least at one school, were offered interviews, so it was always a low chance I guess.  The Sunday before he heard the news we went to church and the pastor gave a sermon on how Jesus went through the Garden of Gethsemane and how his experience models how we, too, can go through our dark time.  This was before we had the final reality of no interviews. We had really hoped we wouldn't need his sermon, but it turns out, we did.

Jesus asked to have the cup removed - is there any other way?!  I wrote my son's name in my notes, begging God, don't make him go through this, is there any other way?  But, God the Father said "No" to Jesus and he said no to my son.  After pleading with God and seeing that there was no other way he went up to the disciples and said the most amazing line, "Rise, let us be going...."  It was very much a "well, I guess we need to face the music and go straight towards the danger" kind of attitude.  That's kind of what happened over here.  There was the extreme disappointment, the sadness, the confusion, dread, many emotions, but the next day, he kind of got on his "Rise, let us be going" attitude and we started to plan and discuss future thoughts.  It looks like he's going to attempt one more time.  He's learned how to study for the MCAT.  He knows how to improve his resume.  He's going to keep working and make money.  He's so determined.  He might consider more schooling.  All I know is that he was back at it and really didn't let it spiral him into depression which it could have, so I'm grateful for Scripture and grateful that he heard that sermon.  There must be a reason we'll see one day.  Who do we think we are to have an easy life?

School is going really well.  The kids are pumping out some serious stuff and they're learning a lot.  They are singing the very songs they found annoying at first - including my 15 year old!  He dared to admit to me yesterday that he likes this program.  I think because of all his math and Chemistry his brain can take apart equations really quickly now, so when he sees a sentence and has to diagram it, he knows immediately what to do.  He must see it as an equation.  He knows what phrases are independent, subordinate, compound, complex.....yikes.  The younger ones are surprising me, so it's been a good experience so far.  We have hope that they'll actually stick it out and learn something!

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