Thursday 20 August 2015

Fighting Our Natural Bent

This may seem a little on the ridiculous side, but yesterday I waited for a sale on the glassware and china at the thrift store down the street.  The reason that might seem ridiculous was because glasses there are only 25 cents and half price means they are 12 1/2 cents!  So not necessarily a big savings.  However, I waited anyway even though I had been there the day before and could have purchased all the glasses I needed then.  I really had to stock up as we go through glasses very quickly - they fall into our ceramic sink and they're done for or a child drops one (or a mommy...).   Everyday I hear an "Oops," it seems.  So I purchased quite a few. 

Then, same thing for bowls.  I needed to restock as someone is either eating them or stealing them or they break and I never see it happen because I just can't explain where they are going.  A genius friend gave me a great idea a while back, she only purchases white dishes, no pattern ever, because you can always get a new white dish and it always fits in.  So I've been doing that ever since.  I purchased one main white pattern and then anytime something breaks, I go to just a plain white bowl, plate or mug, from the thrift store and it fits in just fine. 

All in all yesterday, if I had bought any of the dishes new at the store I used to buy my dishes (where I am embarrassed to say how much I used to pay......) I would have spent over $170 easily I figured.  Yesterday, my grand total for all the glasses and bowls (probably 12 of each), was $9.  I was so happy!  My daughter was with me and observed my joy.  I hope she also observed where I bought them, too, and I hope she figured out there was a method in my madness.  Our cupboards are restocked with dishes and it feels like they were free!

Other good news... my daughter got her cast off yesterday.  I'm so grateful for the healthcare in Ontario.  Yes, I know we pay for it through our taxes, but it was amazing to walk in and walk out and get all that care from so many professionals and not open my wallet once.  I saw a surgeon 3 times, several different Ortho techs, several different receptionists, several x-rays, lots of computers..... all a part of the health care here.  I am able to not even think twice about going to the doctor which I know isn't the same for those in the States because each visit is a cost.  Here, it seems free!  I wish they could somehow make my taxes apply to the parking though.  In just 3 visits, I dropped over $50 in parking because of my oversized van.  I had to pay more because it wouldn't fit in the underground parking!  

We also received great news that could save us thousands in heating costs yesterday.  We've been trying to get a natural gas line in on our road, but we could only do so if we got buy-in from our neighbours.  The gas company was going to charge quite a bit as they had no plans to put one in, but we figured over the long-run it would pay for itself.  Then yesterday, we got a letter in the mail from the gas company asking us if we wanted natural gas as a neighbour on the road was interested.  Of course we're interested!  Now, because the gas company is thinking they'll have enough customers and, I guess, because it's their initiative and not ours, they'll be putting it in for free, if all neighbours say yes.  We are excited about this as we are heating with oil right now and it costs a small fortune!

This was a tremendous encouragement for RM yesterday as he had been feeling that same classic discouragement again.... so many extra costs, so many unforeseen costs...... hard to get ahead.....I had been praying all day for him, for some encouragement in some form.  The letter from the gas company was definitely a good boost.  He also got a small contract that he wasn't expecting yesterday, too, so that helped him as he wasn't expecting that at all.  I consider it a fantastic answer to prayer as I knew how he was feeling.

It's pouring rain today.  I keep hearing a new sound - the sump pump.  Music to our ears.  Every time it goes on we realize how much water used to go in our basement which is now directed outside.  No wonder our basement was such a mess.  Another blessing.  I'm so grateful that my husband is so handy and that he knew just what to do. 

It's good to count my blessings.  It is way easier to stay in the pit of despair.  It's almost unnatural to be positive.  We tend to lean towards fear and discouragement as our natural bent.  That's where our sin nature takes us first.  We have to fight this daily, make a new habit in our thought life. 

I hear another funny new sound.... Hungry, Hungry, Hippo - that obnoxious game with marbles, but my son is playing it instead of watching TV, so I'm happy!  There, see, I'm trying to be positive!

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