Thursday 1 November 2018

A Great Day

Yesterday was full of ups and downs, but I had determined to be more on top of my emotions, and by the end of the day experienced such victory that I wanted to write about it.

The night before I had watched a talk given by Nancy Campbell.  She is the editor/creator of "Above Rubies", a magazine written by women, for women and mothers around the world.  It is always such an encouragement.  Someone had given me a link to listen to her for free at some seminar and I don't usually have time to sit for an hour, but I watched it late at night in the comfort of my bed while my husband was still away teaching.  Am I ever glad I did!

She was asked to speak about the spiritual disciplines that a mother should strive for as well as how to go about doing this.  I should have written everything down.  But what struck me was how she spoke about the need to not be run by our feelings.  Our feelings will try to boss us around, but they can't.  She was adamant about that.  Her main point was that we have Jesus Himself living in us.  And not just a little "bit" of Jesus, but ALL of Jesus.  Everything He is!  Love, joy, peace, patience......all the GOOD character traits that we want!  Not the ones that try to rule our spirits normally.  We just need to access the power that lives in us every moment, she said, every second, every hour.  I know this.  I know this!  But it was good to hear.

Then she was asked how she would recommend spending time in God's Word when it is so busy during the day.  She said she used to take her Bible with her wherever she went...laundry, dishes, nursing a was the only way. 

What about patience?  How do we get patience!?  She answered that we can say out loud, "I am the most patient mother in the world!"  And it can be true!  Because Jesus, the most patient God in the universe, lives in us!  She said it is impossible to angry and patient at the same time - true!  You can't yell at your kids and be loving at the same time.  So choose love!  Seems easy enough!

What about being overwhelmed by life, kids, everything?  She said, "Don't be!"  God is bigger than all our problems.  God is bigger than everything that we are going through.  We have to remember this all day long.

Well, I felt great.  I was inspired, ready to take on a new day.  I was going to try to keep my emotions in check, be the most patient mother in the world, just be a good and godly mom, all day long.

It wasn't long before I came across a trial.  I had to deal with a very sticky situation with a group of people that required taking a firm stand.  I was going to look like the bad guy, but what I had to say had to be said.  I hated every minute of it and it wasn't long before my stomach turned to knots.  I didn't feel like eating, was on pins and needles, and the anxiety was starting....but then I drew on my awesome Nancy talk and sat with the kids.

I explained the situation to them.  I asked them to pray specifically and I told them, "God is bigger than our problems.  I am NOT going to fear today."

Then I called for back up and had a couple of awesome prayer warriors praying about the situation as well.  They were GREAT!!!!

Then, as the day went on and a couple of somewhat stressful emails went back and forth, I took out my Bible and stood in front of the 4 ft laundry pile and started to read Proverbs.  I was amazed at the verses that I read.  I had never seen them that way in light of my situation that day.  They gave me such a peace.  I would read a verse, fold a towel, read a verse, start a load.  It was amazing.  Why had I never done that before?  Such a good use of that time.  I've used the laundry room for prayer, but had never brought my Bible.

I kept saying to God, "You are bigger than this.  You've got this.  I'm trusting you.  I'm not going to fear."

No surprise.  By the middle of the day, the emails started to take a turn.  The stress was leaving them.  The final email of the afternoon showed resolve.  The situation had completely turned from awful to amazing and, in fact, ideal.  I couldn't believe it.  I was so grateful.  God had done it, by me simply praying, trusting, and refusing to fall for my typical fearful ways.  The kids and I stopped at every meal to pray and I would give them updates throughout the day.  Turns out they were praying even on their own, too.  Then when the final email came in showing the resolve, we stopped and prayed again, thanking God for His answers to prayer.  So good for them to see His faithfulness to them, too.

Sanctification.  Working out your salvation.  It isn't called "work" for nothing.  It took everything in me yesterday.  My spiritual muscles definitely grew.  Nancy had said as well that God's Word promises to change us and every flaw we have.  I committed my anxiety to Him and asked Him to take it.  I read so many verses on peace, instead of trying to manufacture it on my own.  That was the difference.  Any victory I achieved is all because of His Word, His promises.  It was a great day.

On a funny different note, I ended up having a great day with the kids, too.  Normally we have a party on the 31st, but the people we typically connect with were all sick and RM was away at work.  I wanted to make a delicious snack, but I've been trying to cut out sugar (except for my coffee!) so I was going to make apples and caramel sauce, but that is all sugar.  But then, the internet!  So I googled a healthy caramel sauce and to my amazement I found a sugar-free one.  I thought, "This will NEVER taste good!"  But made it anyway.  It used truvia instead of sugar which is a plant-based sweetener made from the stevia plant, calorie-free!  I melted the butter, added the truvia and cream and boiled it for a looooong time until it turned into a thick sauce.  Then added vanilla. It didn't look caramelly, but it tasted great!  The kids didn't even notice the difference!  I couldn't believe it!  I was also able to eat it and felt guilt-free.  Love the internet sometimes......

1 comment:

  1. Love to hear too what God has done in you and through you via, prayer, people, your kids and all....He is good, faithful, never failing....look up the song: "Bigger than all my problmes' - an oldie, but goodie and the kids would like it too. L O V E
