Monday 7 February 2022

The Power of Prayer in our Family

I am learning so much about parenting these days.  I wish we could just relax, sit back and enjoy the ride.  Why do we always have to be on alert?!  My older children were very different from my younger children.  I wish I could explain why, but they just are.  It's not that we didn't have issues with the older kids, but they seem so mild compared to the last four.  I think the main thing I'm learning with these younger kids is to stay calm, not get offended easily, not to take their behaviour personally and to just stay chill and pray.

This co-op is really stretching them.  They have a lot of assignments to do and I want to get them done.  On the last day of the week, my son was told to work on it and he refused.  He saw no point and said as much.  In the past I would have engaged.  I would have brought out my angry, threatening mom voice, but when I see this kind of attitude now, I am starting to instantly recognize it as the enemy.  Not that my son isn't responsible for his behaviour - he is - but I'm starting to see how Satan uses my own son against me.  To give in and start engaging will only escalate the situation.  So I did an experiment.  I calmly stated what had to be done and by when.  I offered my help one more time, which he declined, and then I left him alone and prayed my heart out.  I prayed against the enemy.  I don't know what else I prayed, but I prayed.

A little while later as the time was coming close, I reminded him about the deadline and he quickly shot back, "I'm working on it!"  I was shocked.  He even asked me to read it, to listen to him and asked for my input.  It was really good!  The dark cloud that had been over him, was gone.  I'm so convinced it would have been the wrong thing to try and talk him into compliance.  

Another thing I'm amazed at as far as the power of prayer goes is how I just need to continue to sit back and wait as far as my husband goes.  There was a men's conference this past weekend.  I really wanted him to go.  I wanted my son to go.  You can't force this in our family.  So I did what I always do - reminded him of it and gently nudged him that it would be a good idea for our family and then I walked away and prayed.  I couldn't believe it when a few hours later he was signed up with our son.  It was such a great weekend for RM.  My son said he was glad he went except for the fact he couldn't sleep in.  

Sunday we also got up early for church.  That was two days in a row that he couldn't sleep in.  Teens like their sleep.  The dark cloud was back.  He was UNHAPPY and the whole world knew it.  I had everyone praying.  I was ready to call in a professional and wanted him to move out, but it was so obvious that it wasn't him - though again, I hold him responsible - but the enemy.  We talked with him, went to church, came back, more darkness and then left him alone.  A little while later my husband and I talked and agreed to stay calm with him, pray for him, love him and give him opportunities for more sleep.  We also agreed to not let things escalate, to never let things get out of hand, to accept the fact as a teenage boy there is so much going on just hormonally that we don't understand and to recognize and to keep praying when we see the dark cloud.  It was only a little while later, almost inexplicably, the cloud was gone.  And it remained gone for the rest of the day.  He became this pleasant person, happy, can this be?  Except God -answers to our prayers.  I almost feel like to some extent it is out of his control.  He doesn't like being a moody teen.  He doesn't want to be angry.  That's where I think think the enemy has a hayday with him.

And, as always, my weakness has been fear in the past.  I'm not giving in to it anymore.  Instead of projecting into the future all my fears about him, I just thank God that He has my son in His hands and I don't have to fear.  Knowing this has changed everything.  I don't like learning parenting lessons.  I wish it could just be an easy life, but that's just not how it is.

1 comment:

  1. Often read and dont often comment as I use my phone and haven't figure out a simple way to respond....:) Just letting you know these posts are always read, always prayed over, always appreciated. Always love and admire you. God bless you will His enabling today to do the next thing. OXOXOXOX

