Tuesday 18 November 2014

Defining Moments

First I read the book by the homeschooling daughter.  Now I have finished the book by the homeschooling mother.  This woman, Joyce Swann, homeschooled all of 10 of her children, and accomplished exceptional results with each one of them, graduating years ahead and completing master's degrees by the time they were 16.  Mind boggling.  I was very curious to read how she had done this and all she had to say now that they were all moved out with children and marriages of their own.  It was such an interesting read.

Her husband had had a 6 figure job for 17 years of their life.  Then, one day, he was fired for no apparent reason.  The daughter had written about it in her book, so I was curious what the mom's take would be on it in her book.  She elaborated on the experience a little differently.  It turns out, in her words, they were "destitute" for the next 13 years.  She said she had to make every penny stretch like she never had before.  She discovered a place where she could get 10 lb bags of chicken thighs for 39 cents a pound.  They ate chicken every day for years, she said, in every combination possible. Sounds familiar!  I was so encouraged, yet afraid, to learn how long her ordeal was.  Yet, this woman had such a godly perspective, you almost envied her faith and I even found myself grateful again for my own experience.

I could write a book about her book.  I'm wondering how I can get her up here now.  I want to meet her and spend time with this woman.  I have so many questions.  Questions I get asked all the time. She also really challenged me to do my job to the best of my abilities, from regular school hours, to the importance of routine...all things I try to do, but can let slip if something comes up.  She says the laid back approach will make your homeschool suffer...true enough.

She was challenged to be more involved in a "ministry" when she was first homeschooling.  She wouldn't know how to respond when asked to do more.  One day it occurred to her, homeschooling was her "ministry".  It was not an experiment (as we've also been told by some, who are waiting to see how our children "turn out"), it was not a job, or even her career, she said.  It was her calling.  "It was real missionary work, " she wrote.  That's what RM and I feel, too, whenever we feel guilty or challenged for not doing more "ministry", we always remember we are raising 8 disciples first and foremost in our home.  That is a 24/7 position.  Trust  me, I was up in the middle of the night twice last night, so I mean it, literally.

When she was a young Christian she didn't read her Bible much.  She didn't even think she needed to, but a funny challenge to read all the gospels four times in thirty days was given to her.  She got in the habit of reading for thirty days and she was hooked.  From that time forward she read everyday to her children from the Bible.  It was such a good reminder of how important that is.  We had been doing this in the evening after dinner with the children, and then I would do it with them in the morning when RM was off to work, but yesterday I asked him to do it at breakfast as well together, to start our day.  It was just like the Nancy Campbell reminder -  the morning and evening principle, to keep the fire burning.

When her husband lost his job, it was a scary time for her at first, and she would cry herself to sleep at night, thinking that God hated her.  Then one night she told herself that she "couldn't go on this way".  She decided that she loved him and would serve him, no matter what.  It was a defining moment in her walk with God.  She says every Christian will have to do that at one point in their life. It often takes a very difficult trial to get to that point.  For me, it was when we were building the house.  We owned both the farm and the house we were building, at the same time, and the financial crunch was so great that I was very fearful, afraid we were going to lose everything.  It was at that point I decided, too, that I couldn't go on like that anymore.  The fear was crushing me and I was feeling like an emotional mess.  I decided, no more, I was going to trust God with my life, with our circumstance and that was it, no more fear.  The peace that came over me was amazing.  I have had many opportunities to go back to that place of fear, but even if the thoughts try to enter into my head, I now know they are doubts from the enemy and he can't win anymore.  I've learned a whole new pattern of thinking, to be grateful and watch for the miracles God provides.

There's more to write, but I'm running out of time.....trying to keep "regular school hours"!

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