Tuesday 7 June 2016

If I Can????

Thinking more about my daughter's windfall of money at the lemonade stand, I've begun to wonder if it was a reminder to me that when you are aware about the dangers of debt, even if it was only a $5 debt (or less) and you decide in your heart that you want to clear that debt and that you'll do whatever it takes to do that, God then honours that desire and miracles happen.  She really didn't have a hope of making much money that day.  We had set up the lemonade stand very late in the day.  I even told her (bad mommy) that she probably wouldn't sell much as our road was under construction and the usual cyclists weren't coming like they did the summer before.  But she was determined.  Not only did she make $42 and cleared all her debt and then some, but she was able to be generous to others.  She could never have foreseen that coming, but she was faithful and God took care of the rest.  I am definitely taking this miracle to heart as a reminder to me that I just have to be faithful.  I see no way to clear any debt anytime soon, but when God is involved.....miracles happen.

We were reminded on Sunday by a visiting missionary about faith.  Faith dissolves doubts.  Faith disperses fear.  Faith overcomes the world.  Faith dissolves defeat.  It was an amazing message. One verse stuck out at me, Mark 9:23.  Jesus was talking with the father of the boy who was possessed by an evil spirit.  The man told Jesus, "But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us."  Jesus said to him, "'If you can!'  All things are possible for one who believes."  Jesus must have been flabbergasted....."If I can?!  If I CAN?????  Of course I can!!!!  Don't you know who I am????"  But that is sometimes how I pray, "Lord, if you can, please help us clear our debt....."  "If I CAN????"  he must say to me.  "Of course I can!"  Once the father hears Jesus respond that way, he cried out, "I believe; help my unbelief!"  Isn't that exactly what we feel most of the time?  "I DO BELIEVE!  HELP ME WITH MY UNBELIEF!"  I want so badly to believe He can help me, yet it seems crazy to think He can help me!  AAAHHH!!  Being a Christian is so hard sometimes.  I feel like a walking contradiction!  

But I'm encouraged by the story of this father who was so honest.  He believed Jesus could help him, but he fought with his humanity that said, no, there's no way.  Despite his weak faith, Jesus did help him.  He can help us, too.

This week, my husband has taken a risk and gone down to the U.S. to meet with some other people, get some training, and basically try to sell his product.  In a lot of ways it made no sense to go as there was an investment of time and money to get there, yet he felt very directed to go.  We are trusting the Lord to "enlarge his territory" and to bless this venture.  We are on our own for just short of a week and praying every day that God will make a way, that He will continue to direct our paths, provide for our family, and perhaps along the way answer our prayer for freedom.

As I pray for these things, I sound like the father, "But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us."  "'If I can!'  All things are possible for one who believes!" is the response I hear.

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