Thursday 1 December 2016

Christmas Decorating....for free!

Are you allowed to pray about everything.....really everything????  People would laugh if they knew the things I pray about.  They would truly think I don't have a grasp on theology and that God doesn't give two hoots about the things I bring before Him.  Here's an example....

As Christmas comes around, I love to make the house all Christmas-y.  But my decorations are getting a little old and dated.  I can never get my head around buying more.  I avoid the malls and the home decor stores as they just make me discontent.  I throw out all the flyers that make me want to buy stuff.

I even like to decorate outside around the entry to our home.  This past summer when I discovered some wine crates in our barn as well as some other antique ladders and things, I went to town on making a display.  I was so thrilled as I hadn't any money except on the annuals.  But they gave me such joy all summer long.  I used to hate our concrete pad in front of our home, but I was able to turn it into something I loved looking at.

Well, once summer went, I turned to the garden to decorate for fall.  I was able to use all sorts of pumpkins, gourds and corn stalks to decorate all around and that, too, made me so happy.  The summer flowers were supplemented with a few fall mums and it all looked good.

As Christmas approached, I was thinking again of what I could do without spending any money.  I looked at a few pinterest ideas and was inspired, but still didn't know what I could use without buying greenery or things to fill the urns and wine crates with.

Yesterday I was having the oil class that my friend was doing, so I was going to have at least 5-10 ladies here.  That's always a good push to get the house decorated!  As well, it was a nice day and I was able to work outside with my flip flops still on and no coat, so I knew I needed to take advantage of the good weather.

I was praying the whole time, "Lord, what can I do?  Is there anything on our property I could use that I haven't thought of before?  Inspire me!"  With that, I went about searching for something I could use for greenery to put in all the summer urns, containers and crates.  I went around the side of the house and suddenly I noticed, as if it were the first time I'd ever seen them, our overgrown bushes and shrubs.  I have always disliked them as they are definitely overgrown and and really add no attractive curb appeal, but this time when I looked at them, I thought, "They're perfect!  Why haven't I seen them before?!"  I grabbed my pruners and I must have cut away what would have been hundreds of dollars in shrubberies.  I walked back and forth from the shrubs to the containers many times.  My fingers got so poked and full of juniper oil they still sting.  But my little porch came to life!  It was all worth it!

I stood back and admired it when it was all said and done and I was amazed.  I thanked God for showing me something I could use that was right on my property again.  I didn't have to spend a dime, literally.  I didn't have to drive to a store with a carload of kids and fight angry crowds.  I was able to spruce up old containers that have been sitting in barns unused for years. I was given a creativity that I have never had.  I do believe it was a strange answer to prayer.  It made me so happy!

The decor was noticed and complimented on which made me smile as I didn't hire anyone to do it and I didn't spend any money.  Are there other bigger things in life to pray about?  For sure, but this also shows me that God is in the little things, the details of life that matter to moms.  It was His idea in the first place to make things beautiful, to create things that make us wonder in awe.  I used His "store" to "buy" my things - nature!  He makes containers and urns full of beauty all around us.  His containers are just forests and gardens!  So I'm grateful.  My friend who is in the landscaping business came over last night and couldn't believe what I'd done with "nothing".  She told me what each bunch of greenery would have cost.  I loved hearing that!

The week is coming to a close....our busy house is still very busy, but we are making it work.  We're actually getting school done and having a lot of fun at the same time.  It has definitely shown that our house lacks a little in size when it comes to sleeping arrangements but no one seems to mind.

Now, dishes to all of the extra dishwashing our dishwasher decided to stop....gave up the ghost.  That's ok, too, though.  It gives all the extra hands around here something to do!

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