Tuesday 4 September 2018

Back At It

Today will be Day 1 of our little homeschool.  I started last week to give the kids a mini-trial of what was ahead.  I wasn't even in it for a few minutes before the 6 year old started crying.  Oh dear.  This will be tough, I thought.  So I don't know what the year holds.  I certainly didn't accomplish all that I had hoped last year.  That didn't stop me from making plans and schedules for this year though.  I thought I would again!  So we will!  I picked a theme based on John 1:4, "In Him was life...."  I'm trusting that our homeschool, our "life", if based in Him, will be successful, not based on all the schedules and school work I hope to accomplish.

It will not be an ordinary fall.  Our afternoons will be in the vineyard!  I never thought I'd be writing those words.  We are now at the "staking" process.  The plants are now so tall they are falling over, so we now have to stake all 6000 plants.  We just finished the weeding of all 5 acres.  Now we have to start that all over, too!  RM and I have looked at each other so many times and said, "What were we thinking?!" 

We did get away for our 23rd anniversary somehow in all the mayhem.  My only regret is that it is never more than a night, but we made it two full days on either side, so it seemed longer.  So fun.

I could write much more, but my poor kids will be woken up soon.  They are like newborns.  On a really bad schedule....up late all summer and sleeping in.  No more.  So just like new babies, I'm going to put them to bed earlier now and get them up earlier.  They'll be wasted in no time.  Love that.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing - He is in the details and guiding each step in His faithful way...So prayers ongoing your way to follow Him and lead these newborns into a great year. Oh the vines....yes what were you thinking? Whoa, what a job you all have these days !!! Bless you both in your 23rd year !! ox
