Friday 28 September 2018

Why I Love Grapes....

Not sitting at the computer much.  It seems the blog has its seasons.  Not that I don't have anything to write.  I write in my head all day long!

We are on our own a lot more now that my husband is gone several nights a week with school.  I'm trying to fill the kids' evenings with meaningful activities.  We've recently finished the book The Magician's Nephew, by C.S. Lewis, because we're going to go see the play next month, Lord willing.  We've also been out working in the vines like crazy, evening in the evenings, because we really have to get them staked before they grow crooked.

At the same time, we have 3 acres of concord grapes that we decided not to pay to get harvested as it was going to cost too much, more than we would have made.  So we decided to give the grapes away to friends and family and have a u-pick for anyone else.  Once in awhile I get these crazy ideas in the middle of the night or in the middle of a church service!  Maybe it's the only time I'm quiet enough for the Lord to talk.  I felt prompted to pick 10 baskets of grapes and then hand-deliver them to our closest neighbours. 

All week long I had planned on doing this, but couldn't find time.  We were in the vines so much and I just kept forgetting, but then when my husband left for work that night, I thought, "Now is the time."  So I grabbed the kids, I told them what I had been feeling prompted to do.  I reminded them that maybe, just maybe, God had moved us here to be a witness to these neighbours and that as we went around from house to house giving away grapes, it might just be a way to continue to make connections that could ultimately lead to divine appointments.  Who knows?!

They seemed excited and even picked all the grapes for me.  I took the younger four kids and we went in the car and started driving.  Each visit led to really neat conversations.  Each house had someone come out that was shocked to see us.  Each house my kids acted a little kooky, so I'm not sure how great a witness we were, but nevertheless, it led to some funny conversations.  I may actually have a few of them come by and pick again which could lead to more conversations, you never know!  One visit even led to a nice cup of tea with a neighbour who is also a believer.  Such an encouraging time!  Makes me wonder why I don't do these kinds of things more often!

The grapes have also been a way to have other homeschooling moms come over who want to make jelly or pies with their kids.  Yesterday three more moms came by with their kids and picked what they wanted.  It naturally led to great conversations with each mom and even a time of prayer together at the end.  Such a great time!

We even had three ladies show up at our house this week that drove 2 hours looking for grapes.  Someone directed them to our house and they ended up picking 6 bushels and gave me $120! 

I never knew how these grapes could be such a wonderful blessing for so many reasons. They've provided a small little income for me.  They've been an evangelism tool in my neighbourhood.  They've been a source of encouragement for me and for others as well as provided an opportunity to disciple young moms new to the homeschooling journey.  They've been a way to offer my kids new friendships as our farm is hopping with people now all the time, which is also super fun for me as I also love meeting new people and I can honestly never have enough people in my life.   They've also kept my kids busy by running down to the grapes every day for a snack!  These are the most delicious things to eat!  We didn't spray them either so they are so healthy for my kids.  I love that, too.  They've also forced me to really think about how I can use them to make other healthy things.  So, this weekend we are planning on picking and picking and making juice out of them.  It is the most amazing tasting juice.  I can't wait.

All this to say, I love grapes!  I love how in a million years I would have never guessed I'd be living on a farm that provides such a great source of abundance that can not only bless me, but so many around us.  More families will be coming today!  It is so great.  If my dad were writing this he would have said, so "grape", couldn't resist.....

1 comment:

  1. FUNNY!!!! Good going, looking for blessings right under your nose and involving the kids - the best!! May He keep blessing you through the grapes! OXOX
