Tuesday 7 May 2019

Conference Debrief, New Car and Spring Fever

Another great homeschool conference weekend.  I gave my talk on marriage and, again, loved every minute of it.  I had many sleepless nights over it, many mild panic attacks as I wondered if what I was saying - to be a counter-cultural wife - would get tomatoes thrown at me.  No one threw tomatoes, thank goodness.  I did get one text after from a friend who started right away to implement a few of my suggestions.  She served her husband some food.  He liked it.  He left the dish on the counter and walked away.  I'm not sure what she would have normally done, but I'm guessing she would have been so burned by that, but instead she said she "held my tongue, washed the bowl".  She continued to say "I'm determined to see this through".  Yay!  Maybe he didn't even thank her.  Maybe he didn't even notice she had done that simple act of kindness, but she noticed.  There was no tension that night in her home.  She was tired after the homeschool conference.  The last thing she felt like doing was serving her husband she told me.  But she did anyway.  They will probably never get a divorce.  It could stay a 7/10 marriage, but with these small acts of service, it just might turn out to be a 10/10 - and that's the goal!

I heard Joel Beeke speak as well.  Anyone who heard him speak would have been very convicted on all the areas in our homes where we need God's touch.  Men like that are rare, who know the Bible so well and implement Biblical truths in their homes.  We get so caught up in the world.  Hearing him speak made me remember how on guard we need to be to keep our homes from the worldly influence.

My oldest son also turned 20 - I can't believe I have 2 kids in their 20s now.  Impossible.  He picked up his first car on the weekend, too.  It's perfect - broken!!!  How else can you get a good deal on a car?  So now he'll be learning how to fix cars which is what I've always wanted my sons to learn, and daughters for that matter.  This means I will not be driving him every single day to Marineland which will give me back my summer.  Thank you Lord!

My other son hopes to buy a car soon, too.  That means we will have 5 cars lined up on our driveway.  How could we have ever done that if we stayed in the city?!

Now, back to real life - spring is going fast.  My husband is feeling his usual overwhelmed feelings that come from running a small farm - So much work to do, so many broken machines, so little time as he's at the college all day and into the evening.  Hard to manage.  So I pray for all the things he is struggling with and I lift him up because I can't do those things he needs done.  Hopefully it lifts the burden a little.  I no longer stress about them.  I thought that was more righteous to be stressed, too, but that just made for two stressed people!  No more.

Gotta go wake the masses......

1 comment:

  1. Bless you Mrs. Speaker, may He continue to empower you to speak to the ladies as you are. God bless our kids...they keep getting older and new challenges with it. But as always, God is able and may He bless you with His peace with the kids, with your dear hard working man ! ox
