Friday 31 January 2020 in my children's lives.......

I'm not exactly sure why, but God is just pouring out His blessings on my 2 older daughters right now.  He is opening doors for them in a way that only He can do.

I wrote about the retreat and what a blessing that was to both of them.  The friendships that came out of that were unbelievable.  In such a short amount of time the girls made friendships that seemingly will last forever.  That was such an answer to prayer for me.  What I didn't know is that she was also an answer to prayer for them.

There seems to be a little revival in the school right now.  We all know Christian schools are far from Christian a lot of the time.  If they were as Christian as everyone thought I think everyone would pull their kids from public school, but so often, they are exactly the same except with the name.  I know, I worked in one.  However, this is not always the case, especially when people are really committed to raising disciples and when their is staff in place praying.  That is what is happening at this school.  There is a couple on staff who have dove into this school with all their heart.  They are praying, investing their time and their gifts and what is coming out of this is fruit, so much fruit they don't know how to handle it all!

The new, on-fire, believers in the upper grades have been praying for someone to come to the school with the same godly passion to replace the ones who will be graduating.  When my daughter showed up with and they saw her passion for the Lord, they embraced her and said, "You're the answer to our prayers!"  That seemed a little nuts.  We're homeschooling, have never sent a child to school yet, so how could she be an answer to their prayers?  Well, I know...I had also been praying....about whether to send her for part of her grade 11 year or for her grade 12 or for just a course here or there.  Each child is different, each child needs different resources and each year has been different.  This school just so happens to be a few minutes down the road and offers a few benefits that could really supplement our home education perfectly.  So I wasn't exactly surprised to see everything falling together so perfectly.  The question became how and when?  This term?  Next term?  I had no idea still.

On the Monday after the retreat, all the highschool kids that had been on the retreat met in their Bible class at the Christian school.  My daughter was here doing her school at home.  While they all sat around debriefing my daughter's name kept coming up apparently.  They were talking and wishing she could be there.  The guy on staff just listened feeling and thinking the same.  He left the class and got a text from his wife saying, "I think we should consider having S join the Bible class."  Crazy.  Then he was walking down the hall and a girl came running up to him, "Is there any way S could join our Bible class?"  After hearing it from the kids in the class, his wife and then the girl, he thought, "I'm going to go ask the administration if they'll let her audit the class for free...."  They said yes!  The next thing I know I get a call from him asking if she can join the class for the rest of the term, for free, with her new friends.  Nuts!

Naturally she said, "YES!!!"  The reason that is so crazy is because it was the first day of classes of the new term.  I had been so specifically praying if she was supposed to go for this term.  When the co-op opportunity worked out with my sister-in-law (that's another whole crazy story), I figured that was my, she wouldn't be going to the school this term.  And anyway, even if she hadn't gotten the co-op, we didn't have the money for the school anyway.  So when I got the call, late Monday night, inviting her to the Bible class, for free, Monday and Wednesday mornings, I couldn't believe it.  God had gotten her in to the school after all, on the first day of the second term and I didn't have to pay a thing!  It was the best of both worlds.  She would be continuing her homeschooling with the benefits of the Bible class at the school and a whole group of new friends, all the while getting her co-op experience.  My oh my oh my oh my.......

The co-op with my sister-in-law is the other amazing story.  My sister-in-law has to be one of the greatest human beings on earth.  My brother scored is all I have to say.  We love her so much.  Every niece and nephew fights to be with her and to have her ear.  Having just had the cutest baby on the face of this earth, she is needing some extra hands these days while she manages her very successful marketing/graphic design/web business.  My daughter now heads into Toronto 2-3x a week to watch her baby, in return for a crash course on every aspect of her business!  She loves this!  The irony of all of this is that my daughter is half-cat.....she hates waking up, never can.....except for others, not for me.  So here she is now.......waking up 2-3x a week for my sister-in-law, 2x a week for this Bible class and then on the final day of the week, I might let her sleep in until 8 or 9, but then she is so motivated to get her school done that she gets up on her own!  Now that is the true miracle in all of this.

I will save the story of my other daughter for tomorrow....that is just as crazy.  Last night we sat around until midnight just talking with the older children about all the miracles that have been happening.  I feel like I'm living in a Facing the Giants movie where God has turned things around in such an obvious way that all my kids are in awe and they keep saying things like, "I can't believe what God is doing!"  The only thing I can think of is that God is doing for them what He has done for me so that they get their own faith bank accounts, so that they will never forget how amazing He is.  When I asked the guy on staff at the school if it has always been like this, he said, noooooo....that there were real years of spiritual dryness, but he said those were good years, too, as they pushed him to prayer and dependency on God as they would cry out, "Are you there, God?  Are you working here at all?"  And He was.

My new favourite song that I've already played waaaaay too much and am already getting tired of is "Waymaker".  The lines that get me are, "Waymaker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness, That is Who You Are"  and then later, "Even when I don't see it, You're working, Even when I don't feel it, You're working...."  A week ago, my daughter had been on the couch seemed her world was falling apart.  She surely wondered if God cared for her as she had just experienced a crushing blow from what she thought was a future person in her life.  In a matter of days, God showed her that Yes!  He was and is always working, even when we don't feel it or see it.  He is a waymaker, a promise keeper, a light in the darkness.....Wow.  I'm in awe.  Help me always remember this week, Lord!

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