Monday 24 October 2022

The Numbers Speak!

This past weekend was record-breaking - still can't believe it!  I can't believe people pull up, get out of their cars as if they are at a winery or something, walk over and expect a tasting or a glass of wine.  I can't believe they want to come.  I can't believe they enjoy our wine.  I can't believe they've heard of us or that they've seen or read reviews about us.  I can't believe they chose to come to our winery.  It is mind-boggling!  

We ran the numbers last night and discovered what we had thought, that over time since we opened at the trailer in July, we have definitely seen the visitor numbers go up, the sales go up, the interest go up.  In July we had a few on the weekend and then we'd be closed during the week, but then after a few weeks of that and great weather, we thought, why not just keep it open all week and see if people come in?  Well, they did.  Slowly, but surely, a trickle of people, one here, two there, would pop in.  Then in August there were more, but still there were a few days when no one would show up if it was cold and rainy. By September we had people for sure every weekend and then by October, every weekend was steady and we almost always had people all through the week.  What we DIDN'T expect was to see that FIVE TIMES the number of sales had occurred since we started!!!  That's a 500% increase!  We were so amazed and thanking God for His goodness and faithfulness to us.

The stained glass classes have been great and people are enjoying them.  Sales for the Grand Opening are amazingly happening and we expect to have a great day.  We're now looking into having and Air BnB (or two) going by next Spring on the property.  And maybe even a food truck!  So, lots is happening and all because RM quit his job.  It's so wonderful to have the freedom to do all these things.  We HAVE to do all these things.  We CAN'T NOT do all these things.  We are paying our bills, but we have so many repairs and things on our current house that need to be done that we need to make more in order to get those things done, so we have to keep coming up with crazy ideas.  And, amazingly, we have an endless amount of crazy ideas.  Our poor children.

I have to wake them up because today we have to clean out the bottom of the much to do!!!!

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