Wednesday 4 December 2013

Stewardship Debt

RM cracked the whip yesterday.  When he sees stuff lying around, getting stepped on, broken, misused, not put away, he feels, let's say, frustrated.

So, all were gathered around and once again, gently reminded that we had stewardship debt.  The quick lesson here was that if things were kept orderly (I'm not a born-organized person, sigh), put away when we were done with them, if we were efficient with our cleaning time, etc., etc., than we wouldn't always be replacing things that weren't taken care of, we would have more time in our day to do the things we enjoyed and so on and so on.

I'm grateful that he is helping me stay on top of things as sometimes I just get so weary of the constant reminding. 

In the last few years I have come across a FANTASTIC series written by a homeschool family, the Maxwells, that I'm going to describe over the next day or so.  It has saved my life and has really helped us in the stewardship debt area.

More are awake!

1 comment:

  1. The same scene played out here. Sigh. Too. much. stuff.
