Friday 4 April 2014

The Love Bank Account is Full (and Overflowing...)

Once in awhile we get a freebie that is such a blessing!  Last night Renaissance Man and the older five children were invited out (along with the whole engineering society around here) to a free IMAX film showing.  This included popcorn, drinks, the whole works.  They had such a good time and it was a great film - all about the Hubble telescope.  It sounded fascinating and I was sorry I couldn't go, too!

Meanwhile, back at home I was being blessed out of my socks by the remaining little ones here.  They are so cute!  You don't notice it as much when they just mix in with the big people all the time, but get them on their own and you realize how adorable they are, even when they are sick.  The littlest one has been fighting a throat virus it seems and has had a fever for a couple days now.  I do love sick babies, at least ones that have a simple virus!  They are extra cuddly, extra needy, and they sleep all day long!  It makes life very easy, except when they won't let you put them down and you have to make dinner.

We watched a show together, too, so they wouldn't fee left out.  Then we cleaned up the kitchen together. After that they both wanted to take a bath.  This winter, taking a bath has become a major event.  I fill up the tub basically to the top, add bubbles if I have them, then away they's like having a swimming pool indoors!  And it is a way to wash my floor as the water rarely stays in with all their splashing!  That has kept them busy for what seems like hours this winter!  And, all 3 little kids can fit and they usually get along, for up to a half an hour or more!  Another free, fun activity!

After the tub, they were getting ready for bed, so I said, "Let's go read some books."  Then, upon reflection, even though the older kids weren't there, I said, "Let's have family worship and read the Bible!"  This was when I started to get a major blessing.  They were so excited.  I don't know why.  Maybe it was because I was treating them like they were older or maybe it was just my tone of voice.  I don't know, but they were right out of a "say a cute thing" book.  If anyone had been listening in, it might have even sound contrived, but I think what they were excited about was gathering together as a family.  It makes them happy, loved and it's a time when we regroup, talk and have really meaningful conversation.  Plus, because they were just little, I sang all the sweet songs that my big kids used to hear me sing which we don't pull out as often.  You know, the classics....Jesus Loves Me, My God is So Big (with lots of actions), was a sweet moment. "I LOVE family worship!" one of them said.  "I LOVE you, Mom!" the other one said.  How could I not feel so loved at that moment!?

After we sang, the 3 year old, wanted me to read the story about Absalom and Joab where he gets killed after his hair gets caught in the tree!  I had told him the story the night before because I was trying to think of a Bible story that would interest him and boy did it interest him!  Blood and guts, swords in the heart...he wanted me to find the actual place in scripture where it was written.  So I did!  It is a sad story of a father losing his son's heart and as a result dying in a horrible way.  I wanted him to know obeying Mommy is really important!  It has long-lasting consequences if you don't!

Then we read about Zaccheus.  Less blood and I knew they would like the story as we know the children's song.  Sure enough, we had to sing the song after.  It led to a great conversation with the 5 year old about giving money to the poor and all the poor people in the world.  It was as if I were having a conversation with an adult.  She was showing an extreme sensitivity to spiritual things and I was just eating it up.

Once again, nothing had changed in my life financially, debt remains for awhile longer, but my love bank account was overflowing.  That time with my little ones was such a precious gift.  When my husband got back, he was saying the same thing.  He had just enjoyed his time with the older ones so much.  Sadly to say, there were some engineers at this event that went on their own.  They were supposed to invite their families, but one guy, upon arriving and seeing all the kids with their parents said, "I should have brought my kids."  Uh yeah!  What was he thinking?!

Today, another blessing...we are attending a wedding of a special young man who worked for us for nearly 8 months when we built the house.  He and his two brothers lived with us for 6 months and then he stayed on an additional couple of months.  They basically worked for us for free though we gave them room and board for that whole time.  At the end of their time with us, RM made sure they left with some financial remuneration and a whole lot of skills.  That was the whole idea actually.  In exchange for the room and board, they would receive tons of house building experience as well as every trade under the sun as they also helped in his engineering business.  It was an amazing time.

A few years after they left, the oldest boy met this nice girl and now they are getting married.  Just another blessing to us, to be a part of their day.  Everyone is looking forward to it.

The Lord has given us so much.  Give us eyes to see the blessings all around us.  Like I said, nothing has changed in our life financially, but the other bank account, the love bank account, has received a huge deposit this week and that'll help to carry me through the dry financial times for sure.  Thank you, Lord.

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