Friday 19 December 2014

Close Calls, Garage Doors, and Little Girls

If you don't have a few downs, you don't appreciate the ups as much......

Now we don't have one vehicle to fix, but two.  I'm not even sure if it was exactly a year ago, but it was about a year ago or even less that RM was in a car accident.  He seems to be a magnet for them and quite serious ones at that.  Two days ago it happened again, same vehicle, same RM, and like I said, this one had the potential to be deadly again.  He definitely has a truck angel.

He was on the highway heading home.  He had debated staying overnight where he was working as it was a two hour drive home and he had to go back the next day, but he thought to himself, "No, I want to go home and see my family."  I told him later, I wish he had stayed there overnight!  But, can't look back.  Some young guy was getting on the highway, merging, at a very high speed.  He saw RM and tried to pass him on the right, in the merging lane, not smart.  Then, suddenly, he realized his short merging lane was coming to an end, but the problem was RM was still there!  He hadn't seen him trying to come up on the right as he came up so fast.  The guy decided, "Oh well, I'll just have to go in that lane anyway even though A CAR IS STILL THERE!!!"  He hit RM so hard from behind the RM didn't know what hit him.  All he could see was what looked like plastic and metal flying all around the back of his vehicle.  The fact he wasn't pushed into another lane, or hit by another car is mind-boggling.  The other guy must have been going well over 130 km an hour or even more.

He drove for about a km before he pulled over because he simply didn't know what had happened and it looked like whoever had hit him had taken off.  The truth is the other vehicle involved was totalled and had pulled over within seconds of the accident.  Once RM got his bearings and pulled over.  He called the police and within an hour or two he was back on his way home.  The back end of his vehicle needs some repairs, but it drove him home.  We're so glad he was in the truck as the weight of it probably saved his life.  We're so glad he was driving, not my new driving daughter.  We're so grateful he came home alive.

So one day brings tremendous joy and the next day brings hassles, or so it seems, but both days were days full of rejoicing as there was no funeral to attend this week.  It doesn't take much to put things in perspective.  Of course, now there is a lot of paperwork, getting the truck fixed, insurance, blah, blah, blah....but we don't mind as RM is alive.

Today, he'll take his broken truck and drive the two hours to pick up the cheque they owe him.  I said, "Why don't you ask them to courier it?"  He said he didn't trust them.  He figured they'd courier it and we still wouldn't see it for a week.  We need that cheque now.  Suppliers.  Funny how they want their money, too.

We are now praying for wisdom.  This tower order we got is great, but it's forcing us to make some decisions.  The towers require paint.  Paint needs heat to dry.  His shop has no heat.  The garage doors are so ancient that some of them don't even open and they certainly don't keep out the cold and in fact, they let in snow!  Last year, we painted the towers indoors, in my HOUSE, if you recall......not the best place to paint with 8 kids running around.  I had paint stains, and still do, in all sorts of random spots throughout the house.

RM would love to order new garage doors.  He priced them out and they are very expensive.  He could easily justify the cost because he'll make a good profit on these towers, so they'll pay for themselves, but at the same time, he and I both feel it is just too expensive, perhaps there is another way to get the paint to dry - buy more heaters for the shop or something like that.  So far it hasn't been an awful winter - PRAISE GOD!!!!  It's a major quandry.

I asked the kids to pray really specifically yesterday about this - we need wisdom.  One of the ways we asked God to show us what to do was to give us another order that would specifically cover the cost of the new doors.  RM then called everyone who was potentially going to order other towers and none of them said, "Yes, for sure, orders are coming."  They just responded, "Perhaps, we'll see...." So that didn't give us the exact answer we were hoping for.  I think for now we feel we should wait, not be impulsive.  I'm kind of excited to see how God will answer.

These towers could be finished by June.  There isn't a specific deadline.  The problem with that is then we don't get paid until July.  The faster the order gets out, the faster we get paid, which is why we want to get on them now and have them done asap.  This requires working through the winter. One thing I tell the kids all the time is that we have to be specific in our prayers.  It is amazing to look back and see how God answers specifically.  So, like I said,  yesterday we prayed specifically for garage doors and whether or not we should buy them.  We need His wisdom even in the the purchasing of garage doors.  I think my kids will grow up to be praying adults.  They've seen God answer so many times, in such specific ways.

Eleven years ago, I was due imminently with my 4th child.  This doesn't happen often to a pregnant lady, but they were concerned because I was so small!  HA.  I haven't had that issue before or since.  I looked 6 months pregnant when she was born, not 9.  It turns out she was my smallest baby, only 6 lbs, 9 oz.  Not that small really, but compared to my other porkers, at 8 lbs, 12 oz, she was small. Still is.

I went in for a routine ultrasound on the 22nd of December to see if she was ok as my amniotic fluid was getting lower and lower.  The doctor said on the spot, "This baby is coming out today." What?!  I had nothing ready at all.  Up to that point, all my babies had been two weeks overdue.  I figured I still had 3 weeks ahead of me!  I had also hoped for my first home birth, but no, the midwives were going to meet me at the hospital.  I was going to be induced for the 2nd time.  I do not recommend being induced.  It is awful.  I called my husband, told him what was going on.  He had to quickly organize childcare and was at the hospital fairly shortly after.

The induction took place and within 10 hours a baby was born, a whole week early.  That never happens to me!  It was kind of nice to not wait an extra 3 weeks.  It was also a special Christmas that year as we placed her under the tree, tied a bow around her and that was her birth announcement picture.  So sweet.  I loved having a baby at Christmas.  I felt I understood Mary a little bit better (even though I know Jesus wasn't actually born at Christmas,,,,you know what I mean....)  I read every Christmas passage with new eyes.

I was so happy to have a sister for the oldest girl.  We now had 2 girls and 2 boys.  I loved saying to my husband, "Where are the girls?" noticing the plural form of girls!  I loved having what was considered a big family.  The oldest was 5 for a whole 3 weeks and then she turned 6, so for a brief period of time, I felt like a hero having 4 under 5!  It was an amazing time.

Looking back, it is amazing to see how much time has passed.  Now that little girl has some friends coming over today to help celebrate her life.  She has become our industrious little girl.  She was inspired by her older cousin and now she and her older sister are attempting to have a cake pop business just like her cousin.  This cousin is super successful, we'll see how successful we are!  My daughter has had an entrepreneurial spirit from a little child and always wants to have a business of her own.  She was probably 5 or 6 when she first started dreaming of what kind of business it was.  It always seems to involve food and hospitality of some kind.  We sometimes wonder if she'll run a B & B someday.  She also is the one who suffered from all the health issues this past year or two.  She has a keen interest in the natural healing through herbs and good food.  We wonder if she'll pursue health care.  She definitely has the gift of mercy, too, and she is very affectionate towards older people. Will she work with seniors or people who have special needs?  I don't know, but I see God's gifting in her so clearly.  It'll be so neat to see how her life unfolds.  Praising God for her this week and for the gift of children.

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