Wednesday 21 October 2015

A Plague?

We are in the middle of a very strange pestilence right now, kind of half-wondering if we really are the Israelites, or maybe the Egyptians!  We are being invaded by wasps!  They are always around this time of year anyway, looking for food for winter and maybe even a warm spot inside, but then, it gets cold, they go away and it's all good.

This year, they're after us and it's no joke.  We noticed them back in August before we left and saw them flying around a certain part of the house.  We sprayed where it looked like they were getting in and it seemed to solve the problem.  We went away and never heard any complaints of wasps.  Then when we got back, we would see one here or there, would kill it (sorry, had to), and then we wouldn't see one for awhile.

Now, they are flying around the house, several in a room sometimes, in different rooms, all at once. It's almost as if we left a window open.  The only thing we can think of is that they are eating through the wood or the foam around the windows.  We keep spraying and swatting, but now we are all living in paranoia as we are starting to get stung....

Who cares if it's RM or me, but our littlest girl got stung 3 times in the last two days!  And according to our bee friend, he'd rather get stuck 3 times by a honey been than once by a wasp.  Their stings are powerful!  She even got stung when she laid her head down on her pillow!  She thought she heard something buzzing, got up quickly, but they couldn't find it.  She went back to put her head down and wham!  Right before bed I was dealing with a screaming wasp stung 7 year old - so sad!  She had just been stung a couple hours earlier when she stepped on one unknowingly.  Fortunately, she's not allergic and with all my little remedies she's doing fine.

We find ourselves praying, "Lord, show us the wasp nest!  Show us where they are getting in!"  This is serious!  We are all walking around in a state of fear, looking at our feet, where we walk, where we sit, where we lie down......arrrgggh!!

There is a little bit of humour though.  If you did come over, you would see anyone in our family in the middle of a sentence jump up, whack a wasp and then just keep's becoming like the wasps are just part of our life!  But, I do pray that is not the case...

So hopefully locusts aren't next.  We aren't quite sure what God is teaching us through this latest trial, but another reason to be praying, that's for sure.

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