Tuesday 20 September 2016

Political Picnic

Today is day 2 of RM's new day on the job!  He'll only work 3 days a week allowing him to do his other work the rest of the week, so it really is ideal.  He's working in a brand new advanced manufacturing facility so it's nice to be in a place that isn't all old and rundown, a much more pleasant work environment!  So far so good.  Praising God every day still for the miracles He has done.

Meanwhile, our weekend was full as usual!  We hosted a homeschool picnic on Friday which is what we do twice a year, nothing too out of the ordinary there, except we had a really unique opportunity to have a special guest come by part way through the day.  My friend called me and said, "Hey, I know this guy.....can he come by?" Sure!  So around noon, this young 19 year old popped in.  He's currently running for political office looking to replace a senior guy who's been in politics for years. Truly, he doesn't have a chance....or does he?

He was homeschooled himself, the second youngest of 8 (which makes him have a lot in common with my second youngest of 8 who thinks he's Donald Trump.....coincidence?  Maybe my son will run for office one day, too.....!).  Through a series of unique circumstances, he found himself working for another politician which showed him what was really going on in Ottawa.  He thought, "I want to make a difference."  This kid, I mean he really was just a kid, was incredibly articulate and well-spoken.  I would have voted for him just because of that.  But what really got all of was that he was willing to take a stand for all the big controversial issues like pro-life, euthanasia, and the rights of the family (i.e., homeschooling as the right of a parent).  Very few politicians will take a stand on these issues.

He gave a short talk to the crowd of homeschoolers and got a big round of applause.  Then he explained how we have to become members of his political party to vote him in as a candidate, but that you can be 14 to vote.  As well, he asked for help with his campaign.  Our eyes lit up as did our kids!  They ran and all got their $10 (the fee to become a member).  They signed up on the spot.

Tonight, the older four will go to his house and help him on his campaign!  What a great experience! It's highschool civics/political history in action!  Sometimes I wonder if one of my children will become a lawyer.  These kinds of experiences direct children in a way that a course cannot.  I'm hoping that this will be a positive way to introduce our kids to politics.

A few years ago at a homeschool conference, Rick Boyer spoke on "Taking Back the Land".  He was encouraging families to educate their kids and take back the positions that so many non-Christians had taken over, doctors, lawyers, politicians.....This young guy is doing just that and he is inspiring others to do the same, including my own kids.

Will he win?  Will he get into office and make a difference at just 19?  He has virtually no experience, but he has God on his side and a lot of nerve.  In a lot of Bible stories in the Old Testament, that was enough!

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