Friday 25 November 2016

Horses, Chariots and Coconut Pie

Yesterday the kids and I were reading Psalm 20:7, "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.  They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand upright."  I asked them what was jumping out at them about that verse.  They didn't see it at first.  It was so obvious to me.  "Chariots" and "horses"?  We don't have too many of those running around the streets these days, so what could it mean to us?  How about cars and trucks?!  Yup.

What about the next verse, "they collapse and fall"?  Same thing.....they break down and stop working.  Suddenly the whole Psalm came to life in a whole new way.  God knew what we were going through.  Perhaps he was just checking to see what we were trusting in, Him or a car?  The verse clearly says, "we trust in the name of the Lord our God", not a working car or truck.

If we weren't before, this has sure helped get that back on track as we are constantly having to manage our tricky life with just one vehicle for all of us.  Verse 8 says, "...but we rise and stand upright".  We can rise and stand upright despite the inconveniences and despite all the extra driving around because we know our happiness is not dependent on a vehicle, at least it better not be.

One awesome way of provision this weekend as we're going many separate ways, is that my parents made their second vehicle available to us....not forever, of course, but to help us get through the weekend.  That is provision!  To top it off, when they dropped it off yesterday mom blessed me with a lunch out that was at a local delicious!  What a treat!

We continue to look for another one, still praying for the right one to help us out, but in the meantime, we trust God and not our horses and chariots.

This weekend will take our kids' street preaching/handing out tracts to a whole new level.  They're off to the Grey Cup (Canadian Football Championship) with a group that goes all over the U.S. and Canada sharing Christ before the game to those who will listen.  They'll be around the wealthiest people in the country ('cuz who can afford those tickets otherwise??!)  They'll be meeting people who absolutely depend on horses and chariots, as well as fame, celebrities, and any other idol you can think of.  They'll be trying to show those people that only God is who we can trust in.

On a funnier was our annual pie contest at the homeschool group last night.  I was going to make a pie, but asked my kids if one of them wanted to - the clincher?  A Starkbucks gift card was at stake!  Suddenly all of them wanted to, but only one, my 15 year old boy, actually ended up taking the challenge.  The trick was to make something that would stand out, something that you don't eat every day.  The year I won I brought a grape pie....I had a funny feeling it would win because no one has eaten grape pie and usually die of the amazing flavour!!!    I had coconut on hand....about 10 kg!!!  So I had been looking for ways to use it up.  It would be perfect!

Well, I'm happy to say, my son came home with a second place gift card!  Only to be beaten out by my good friend who made an even better flavour - peanut butter and chocolate!  Rats!  So fun...we all laughed when I got home.  I had to hand him the prize as he had made the pie!  Maybe I'll get a coffee out of it somehow......

1 comment:

  1. soo cool to have your 15 yr. old do the pie and come out nearly winning !!! Good for him - because they are under your roof all the time these opportunities have been there to even learn and even want to !!! Yay DM!!! Fun doing lunch with you and we do pray the right chariot turns up for you all this weekend. Your older ones are standing very tall in the strength of the Lord by being willing to be bold for Him in the frey!!!! 0x
    Look forward to partying with Santa and you all!!!! oxoxox
