Wednesday 11 September 2019

And I Thought I Was Busy With Toddlers.....

Yesterday has to go down as one of the longest days of "errands", and only two errands - I think we were in the car with 5 kids over 10 hours!  It started off as a trip to a small little mennonite community where we picked up 20 "day-old" turkey chicks.  Not because we love to eat turkey, though we do, but to grow some birds for Christmas sales.  It's just another thing that'll help keep the kids occupied and with some purpose for living!  And possibly make a small buck.  You never make as much as you hope when you add in the labour, the feed, and the processing, but you also can't put a number on all that the kids learn in the process.  We did it with the older kids so we're doing it again with the younger set.  That was errand #1.

After that, we took advantage of the quaint area and did some antique shopping.  But we couldn't stay long because we had to drive almost 3 hours to Toronto to a missionary travel clinic (who knew those existed!) where my son got 4 doses of a rabies vaccine.  That was errand #2.  That was a very cool experience as he chatted with a med school student on how he got into med school, etc., and then with the doctor advising him on which vaccines to get.  As soon as the doctor found out where he was going he immediately asked if he knew Dr. Foster - Uh yeah!  That's the doctor he'll be living with!  Small world and yet in the missionary community I think Dr. Foster is a bit of a legend, so it was just another reminder that my son will be getting the experience of a lifetime by being with this doctor.  He also knew all about the cattle ranch he'll be working on and even knew some of the doctors that my parents knew when they were there. 

By this point we'd already been gone hours and hours and the younger kids were going squirrelly.  Fortunately there was an IKEA around the corner so we popped in for a quick bite to eat as the snacks I had packed were long gone.  Driving home to Niagara from North Toronto in rush hour was no fun, but we finally made it, though our next job was to set the turkeys up who were still alive and wanting some food.  What a day, but once again loved most every minute as the countdown is now on for departure.  It looks like it'll be less than a week now.

Knowing we don't have him around much longer, at least in this country, we are trying to take advantage of every minute.  I even took him and the older siblings to African Lion Safari as a way to get us all in the African mood.  The younger ones were there, too, but the older ones haven't accompanied me on a field trip in years.  Almost all of them went - super hilarious to hear their comments as older kids on a field trip.  The last time they had gone was 13 years ago when my almost 13 year old was in-utero.  How strange to see how our family had changed and grown since then.  I never would have guessed back then that 3 more babies were coming.  To see how my oldest son hadn't changed a bit in his interests was also fascinating. A super fun day had by all.

All the while in the background the kitten sales keep happening.  We had to lower our prices this time as we had more competition on line, but we still managed to sell most of them and every dollar counts around here.

Coming back from the city yesterday and driving into the country was just the reminder we need every once in a while to be grateful for our life and where we live.  The traffic was unbelievable, the construction, the back-ups, all the fender benders we saw, the noise.....I don't know how people do it every day.  We nearly lost our minds in the short time we were there.  We definitely count our blessings for the privilege of living where we live and knowing my husband's commute is on country roads is incredible.  He can count the number of lights he has to go through to get to work on one hand.

All of this to say, we marvel at how God is slowly bringing all the pieces together for my son.  I know people are praying as he keeps knocking barrier down after barrier, including the visa which just came through.  That was a big deal.  Getting the rabies vaccine was also a big deal because there was a shortage everywhere which was why we had to go to to Toronto.  He's just waiting on the flights now and some last minute shopping and then that's it.  Somehow we're managing to keep our life running, fit some turkeys in there, brakes fixed on vehicles, a couple of field trips, kitten wrangling, work stuff going on with my husband he's also had to fit's busy around here!  I see God's hand in all of it and I'm amazed.  It's in the reflection that I see how it is a puzzle only He can fit all together.  I'm glad I don't have to work it all out......

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