Monday 5 May 2014

Back in the Swing of Things....I hope!

A fresh start to a very tiring past few days.  How I appreciate the health of my kids once it has left in one of them!  The littlest had a terrible virus that kept him up all hours of the night and had him sleeping long hours in the day to make up for it for several days and nights straight.  I was a walking zombie.  My husband attempted to spell me off, but I knew that would make him a zombie, too.....all that to say, the little guy is better now and I've had a night or two of better sleep, but I was not doing any writing of any kind with the lack of sleep I was getting.

More milestones have passed - two of my children have gotten older, so now my youngest is 2 and my oldest boy is 15, so great.  It was a weekend of celebrating as my mom turned 75 and my Dad also had a birthday a few days earlier, plus my older sister will be having a birthday in a matter of days - it was non-stop.  My sister drove in from the Chicago area to surprise my mom on top of all that, so it was fun, fun, fun!

We also attended our provincial homeschooling conference as well this past weekend, AND my daughter gifted me with tickets to a Keith and Kristyn Getty concert as an early Mother's Day gift, so you can see, we fit a lot in a matter of days.  I was wasted by the end of the weekend

On that note, our home kind of fell apart during this spell of days and we're hosting an event this week, so needless to say, as part of our homeschooling today, we'll be doing some Spring Cleaning. 

I won't write more now as I'm about to get the sleepy heads all up, but hopefully we'll be back on track for early rising as of tomorrow!

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