Tuesday 8 December 2015

An Easy Thing.....and Cats....ugh

I love the dramatic.  We've had our share of it, amazing answers to prayer at the last minute, neat stories of God's providence that defy explanation, but I read something yesterday that made me realize I cannot depend on drama.  True faith will stand firm, even without any signs or wonders.

2 Kings 3:17-18 was the devotional's verse yesterday,

"You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water, and you, your cattle and your other animals will drink.  This is an easy thing in he eyes of the Lord; He will also hand Moab over to you."

How can a valley be filled without rain?  One would normally expect God to do something like that in a way that could be observed, but in this case, He does it without wind or rain "without any sound or sign and from sources invisible and seemingly impossible" wrote A. B. Simpson.  I often pray that God will show Himself to me, that I will know He is there, but Simpson writes, "But the greatest triumph of a person's faith is to 'be still, and know that He is God'" (Ps. 46:10).  Just know.  Not have to always have proof.

In 2 Kings it says, "This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord."  It is impossible in my eyes.  If it were something I could do, than I would take all the credit.  It has to be impossible. 

Some days God gives me great signs and wonders, other days there is no obvious sign that He is working at all.  But I must continue to trust that He is up to something for my good.  Walking by faith...not by sight.

Switching gears....into feline territory.  I'm trying to decide if I love or hate cats.  Right now, it is not love.  I'm a cat person, as opposed to say, a dog person, but this week has been a test.  I have found "evidence" that they are not using their litter box or going outside.  Instead I have located this evidence in secret places in my house, which explains certain smells.  One cat is neutered, the other boys are not and I'm thinking of doing it myself that's how frustrated I am.  Usually their "work" goes on a night, so we've been sending them out to sleep in the barn at night, but last night, we hadn't sent them out yet and I innocently walked into the bathroom with my 3 year old only to step right in a huge pile of you-guess-it....cat droppings.  I can't even write the word.  I yelled so loudly that my husband came running to see if I was ok!  All cats were located and immediately thrown out after severe questioning to find out which one it was.....funny, the cat had their tongue.....no one would talk.

It seems slightly humourous this morning, but last night I was sure I had changed from being a cat lover to uh, not.  Does everyone have to walk around their house in fear that they might step in something?  Once again, the "fun" side of farm life as we certainly never had cats in town.  Now we have 5.  Well, I'm sure there are worse things in life.  Looking before stepping....got it.

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