Tuesday 28 January 2014

Kitty-Hurt-Paws and The Loaves of Bread Miracle

Of course - it makes complete sense, doesn't it?  The fact that the most recent miracle would involve bread, isn't that just what God loves to multiply in the New Testament?

Oddly enough, it started with a trip to the vet.  So, we took the silly cat to the vet yesterday.  Well, he is silly.  He got in a cat fight with what we can only assume was another tom cat and he got cat scratch fever.  When I tried to book the cat with the vet, they asked what his name was.  I told them, "Well, my husband wants to call him Stupid Cat, but our children call him Dixie."  The receptionist howled and we both couldn't stop laughing.  Funny moment.

I took him in with the cat's owner, my 2nd daughter, and my son, who wants to be a vet.  They were both very concerned.  His little paw was even starting to look swollen to me and he was acting just like a child with a fever - tired and mopey.  With one look at the cat limping around the vet knew he had an infection (so did I!) and started immediately prescribing expensive drugs.  I told her we were on a budget - was there anything cheaper????  Oh yes.  You can do the drugs orally for HALF THE PRICE.  Isn't that interesting that they don't mention that UNLESS YOU ASK????  Sorry, just venting some frustration.

Then, she noticed the cat might have ear mites.  Yuck.  We got to see them under the microscope and everything.  Disgusting.  Right out of a horror film.  But very educational for my children!

Again, more drugs.  I asked if there was any other way to solve that without spending money????  She said, yes, use mineral oil and apply it yourself.  WHAT???  Funny how they immediately assume you'll just walk in and pay for everything without challenging them on any of their suggestions???  It makes me wonder how many other people never ask these questions and just assume the costs blindly.

So, we got away with cheaper antibiotics which are already working - the cat is no longer limping not even 24 hours later.  We passed on the ear meds and will do that ourselves - for free virtually.  It was still a hefty bill though even without all the extras - $130!!!!

I drove home feeling a little low as we'd spent so much.

On the way home, my son reminded me that we needed to pick up a few groceries that I hadn't gotten the other day.  I thought it was probably a good time as I only had two kids and a cat.  So in I ran.

Can you believe what the bread was on sale for?  And this was not advertised.  It was one of those walk in and find out moments - 25 cents a loaf.  Wow.  The freshness date was coming up so they needed to get rid of it.  Now, we aren't eating much bread these days, in fact, next to no bread, but for 25 cents a loaf, I was willing to bring it in for those who can eat it, as a super cheap alternative to the oatmeal we'd been eating.  My gluten sensitive daughter will not eat that, but she's got other alternatives.

I must have bought the whole rack - at least 20 loaves.  The cashier hoped I had a big freezer.  I do!

I was grateful as I knew we'd just spent a whack of money we weren't intending to spend, but the Lord intervened and quickly put some bread on sale to lift my spirits.  It helped as I broke the news to RM about his beloved cat and the vet bill.

More thanksgiving then: (I'll write at least 5 a day as I'm looking for that 25% more happiness!)

1.  The cat's ok and there was money to pay for it.
2.  Humourous moments with receptionists I don't even know.
3.  Little toddler falls that end up with fat lips that could have been more serious as he's already lost 3 teeth and can't afford to lose anymore!
4.  Babies that are back to sleeping well - thank you Lord!!!!
5.  Vet trips that are educational!

Oh, and a quick note - Ann Voskamp was misspelled in case you were trying to look her up.  Thanks S!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome
    I love Ann Voskamp's book! I read it a year or so again and too the challenge with my kids - good thing too because as the list grew I honestly couldn't remember what we had written and they did. We made it up to 680 something which I thought was pretty cool. The neatest thing about it though was how my kids started to develop a greater 'attitude of gratitude' and even their prayer lingo was changing to be more grateful. Truly inspirational!
