Tuesday 24 June 2014

Holding the Rope

Am I allowed to love fly paper?  I cannot tell you how much I love fly paper.  It has changed my life.  Seriously.  Since moving to the country I really didn't realize how serious a problem flies could be or fruit flies for that matter.  Two years ago, our little town made national news headlines because the fly problem here was soooooo bad!!!  I was filling fly paper strip after fly paper strip in a matter of hours.  It was disgusting.  This year, the flies aren't so bad, but they are still there!  So, alas, up goes the fly paper and now, when I come down each morning, I am no longer attacked by swarms of flies.  I really do say it on a daily basis now - I love fly paper.  That is my morning thank you rant today.

On to more serious things!  The Lord has a funny way of putting everything into perspective doesn't He?  I'm worried about insulating my house and getting my barn floor in (which is now in!!!!!) when other people out there don't even have a home to live in....by choice.  Right now, as I write this, there are 3 RVs sitting on our front yard.  Each RV holds a missionary family and one of them holds 2 single guys.  The RVs are their homes for the most part.  The two single guys usually live in their cars.  One of the family lives in a basement apartment with their two kids and when asked what the square footage of their apartment was, they said, "You mean square 'inch-age'."  It's apparently quite a small place.  They all had homes a few years ago, but they gave them up - feeling called to share the gospel with the lost.  Each family and individual staying here comes from different places in Canada as well as the U.S., but they come together for these summer mission trips.  Most of these folks travel all year round, going from city to city, or in some cases, country to country, preaching wherever they go.

They are staying at our place for several weeks this summer using our farm as home base as they will literally travel to a different city each day.  Once they arrive in the city they do anything from standing on a box and street preaching to handing out tracts wherever they go.   They will hit all the big cities that are within an hour to two hours around us - very cool.  We may be able to join them and watch as well as participate in what they do.  They are all quite young and have young children who get homeschooled along they way.

Paul Washer, one of my favourite preachers, says we are called to be in the well or hold the rope.  This summer it is our privilege to hold the rope and be the home base for these folks.  It quickly helps put things in perspective having these guys around, knowing they don't have any of the concerns that material goods bring.  They can literally focus 100% on preaching the good news to others.  The single guys can even be more focused like the apostle Paul as they don't have the concerns of a wife and kids! 

God brought these people to us - we had never even met them until they pulled into our driveway last night.  It was through a friend that we met through another friend a few years ago that this has all come together.  If I were to ever complain about anything, my husband knows that it would be that I long to travel or vacation more - always have.  Being on a serious drive to kill debt, we have virtually cut that plan out for the time being, but God hasn't let me down.  Since we moved to the farm, every single summer the Lord has brought people to us to stay for days at a time.  They've come from as far away as the Solomon Islands!  It is just what my little social heart needs!  Different people to talk to from all walks of life, just as if I were travelling the world meeting new people, but on our property!  So, though I'm not travelling, God brings people who are to me!  Isn't that cool????   One day I may get a chance to be the one travelling, but the truth is, it is easier to be here with the young ones still being so young, so I don't really mind.  I had to pack up a lunch the other day to go to the beach for my daughter's birthday - that amount of effort to pack reminded me of what a lot of time and energy goes into packing for a vacation - and that was just for one little picnic!!!!!!  I was exhausted when I got home!  Not having done that for 10 people very often makes you realize, THERE ARE A LOT OF PEOPLE IN OUR FAMILY!!!!!  So I'm good to be here and have the Lord bring people to me.  At the same time, God is allowing us to use what He has given us to His glory - thank you, Lord!

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