Wednesday 30 July 2014

It's Alive!

Daily, as we are storming the gates of heaven as a family, we are experiencing His goodness.  Yesterday, yet another miracle happened - the skid steer started!  Why does that seem like a miracle?  For so many reasons.  We originally purchased it broken on purpose knowing/hoping Renaissance Man could fix it.  We got a tremendous deal on it even though it wasn't working.  It came with several attachments which were worth something in and of themselves.  Had we purchased the skid steer new, it would have been ridiculously expensive or had we purchased it working, we never could have bought it.  It's been weeks since we first acquired it.

RM got right to it when it was delivered to our property.  It didn't take him to long to investigate the problem.  Fortunately he is good at trouble shooting.  I really consider that a blessing from the Lord, to be honest.  The tricky thing was locating the parts.  He literally searched the world.  He is also very good at sourcing out things like obscure parts and he couldn't find them.  When he did eventually find a source, he got a quote for thousands of dollars.  Uh, no.

Then, it occured to him to get the part custom made which meant getting drawings done up of this part.  All this to say, he got it done.  It tooks weeks of researching, weeks of trouble shooting, weeks of waiting, but the part got done and it took a couple days to install it.  Not an easy job.  He's feels like a pretzel - twisting and contorting his body in ways it doesn't normally go to get that part in!  He has a shop space to work in, but not a lift to lift the skid steer high off the ground.  It was awful to watch!

To hear it start and to see it move out of the garage was awesome.  It means, once again, we can complete so many projects on the farm that we've been unable to do.  It also means we have a way better snow removal machine for the long driveway this winter.  It may seem strange to read how happy a city girl is to see farm machinery working, but trust me, I've lived here long enough to know, you need good, working equipment if you want your farm to run smoothly.  In fact, RM even noticed something different in me and said to me yesterday, "I never thought I'd see the day...."  He was looking over at me reading a Farm Machinery Trading Magazine and commenting on what a good deal we'd gotten as I looked at all the other skid steers for sale!  Like he said, I also never thought I'd see the day I was talking like that, let alone purposely reading a magazine like that!

On top of all this, I'm making good progress in the school planning.  I really have 7 children in school this year, no wonder I feel like I have to start planning weeks earlier.  It's only getting done because I'm in bed earlier and up earlier, but I'm accomplishing a lot and I'm feeling God's hand in the process.  I wish I had even more time as there is so much I want to teach them! 

And, coolest thing!  We heard Brother Andrew on the radio last week!  He's still alive and well and working in the Middle East reaching Muslims now for Christ.  That was really neat.  I felt like he was in our home.  I wanted to talk to him so badly and thank him for his tremendous encouragement.  He's one of those guys who would definitely make it into the Faith Chapter.

Ok, I'm off and running......

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