Wednesday 15 February 2017

My Turn

We all know Valentine's Day is overrated.  As women we set ourselves up for disappointment all the time.  My husband can be haunted by expectations that I don't even know that I have until he doesn't meet them.  Poor guy.  This year I was determined to not make it a big deal as he is so busy at work and then at work again when he comes home.  He's basically working 16 hour days non-stop for the next 6 weeks in order to get this contract done.  He doesn't have a lot of time to think about Valentine's Day!  But I had a plan anyway.

I told the kids they had to make us dinner.  I even told them what I wanted them to make.  Super easy. No prep really.  We'd been given two awesome steaks for Christmas from my brother-in-law (who has his own meat business and sells steaks to the they were good!)  We were going to have "dinner out at home".  I even did the barbecuing as our bbq is a little dangerous to use!  All he had to do was walk in the door and sit down.

Smashed rosemary baked potatoes, caesar salad and steak....what more could a guy want?  He loved his steak and I loved the fact my kids basically made the dinner (I helped a little!)  They ate frozen pizza (which they loved!).  Sorry....not enough steak to go around.

Earlier that week I'd read in an email from Sheila Wray Gregoire (the lady who I heard talk about marriage and intimacy) that as women, we need to do just that....take the burden off the men to always make Valentine's Day special.  We can do it.  For them.  For a change.  Why not?  It didn't cause me any extra labour.  It was a neat opportunity for my kids to shine and I think it showed them that as women we can be the romantic ones.  I long for my girls to learn this just in case they marry someone who isn't the super romantic type.  My husband actually can be very romantic....when he isn't falling asleep at dinner!  He's just super exhausted right now!

Marriage is definitely about taking turns. It's my turn right now and I don't mind.

1 comment:

  1. wonderful, good for you. I had a busy day yesterday and our group was meeting here for a potluck - which means a number of surprises. And such it was - a really nice time with tasty food brought by others including a chocolate cake. My man surprised me with lovely red and white roses way beyond !!! My gift to him was a song for him to hear by Dolly and Kenny - come and sail with me.....!!! (: Yes, our expectations should be that we can do it too and not leave it to 'him'. Super example, my dear!! ox
