Wednesday 17 March 2021

College Bound!

Every day I wake up and think, "What will happen today?"  Not in dread anymore, but in anticipation.  It's kind of exciting.  Well yesterday was a big day - my daughter, 4th child, got into college - this was huge for so many reasons.  First of all, when you homeschool, you have to go to so much work to get them in, more than the normal student who has gone to public school his whole life.  Transcripts have to literally be created from scratch.  If this ever becomes my job, I'll die.  Thank goodness for my husband who happily takes this challenge from me.  The other amazing thing was that this girl was unwell for a long time and there were many days where she just could not do school.  I always worried that she would get further and further behind.  But, by God's grace she was able to pick herself back up, get on track and accomplish what she needed for all the prerequisites.

One really amazing thing was when we found out she needed another English.  She is doing a grade 12 English course right now, but she needed another one.  The college gives you an option to take a 3 hour test if you want or a whole year course.  It was a no-brainer.  She took the 3-hour test on Monday.  There is nothing you can do to prepare.  It tests you on basic grammar, punctuation, reading comprehension for college level admissions.  I was a little worried again because she had missed so much when she was younger, but I tried very much to not pass this on to her.  When she came in a few hours later, she told me right away that she got the highest mark you can get!  Once again, this means I got the highest mark!!!  Whenever my children succeed, though they were mostly self-taught, I always like to take the credit!!!!  Homeschool moms around the world will understand.....

Two days later, the college emailed her official acceptance - that was the final mark they needed.  So exciting.  SO EXCITING!!!  This has definitely been her year.  As I look back over how God has taken her from a sick little girl to one who is so confident and thriving I always wonder why I ever bother to worry.  I'm so grateful for His hand in her life.

She regularly verbally affirms our decision to homeschool, too.  This amazes me.  She thanks us all the time which blows me away.  She recognizes she probably wouldn't have gotten in if she had missed all that school if she hadn't been homeschooled.  She creates lists of reasons why she'll homeschool.  In fact, all the older kids do.  Maybe they're brainwashed, but even if that's the case, it's nice to hear.  I'm already becoming one of those old ladies who tells younger moms, "Ohhhh, don't worry about those little gaffers....God will take care of them.  Just pray!"  Well, it couldn't be more true...

We are also praying very hard for a dog right now.  We have our eyes on a golden retriever, but we are highly skeptical of everyone selling dogs online right now.  We are quite sure everyone who is selling a dog is selling a stolen one.  The market for stolen dogs is so bad right now.  So our prayer is that we will be protected and that God will supply the exact right one.  We are hoping to breed dogs again and with the sale of the puppies we hope to put some more kids through school.  My poor son is on pins and needles as he has located one, but all the answers this one guy is providing are a little sketchy, so we pray.  

This was all in one day!  I have 4 more younger ones left at home to complete their schooling.  It is really flying by.  I'm in shock actually when I consider how fast life is flying by, but I'm also in awe of God's grace, helping along the way, giving the strength, providing the curriculum, answering prayer after prayer.  It's so exciting to see what today will hold!

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