Tuesday 20 April 2021

Miracles in My Language

So I think we really did sell all the hay this time...someone came in and looked at what was left and purchased the whole deal - I'll be shocked if it multiplies again, but I swear it did this past month.

Another thing that keeps multiplying is my little seedling room.  More than one miracle has gone on there.  First of all that we even have the space - it was supposed to be for my son, but it turns out he has created a whole little aquarium/science world upstairs, so he isn't even wanting it at this point, so I moved my little plants in there.  The way it is laid out, however, was just getting too squishy.  I only had one table and that got filled up right away with flats of veggie seedlings.  Then I found some boards and crates and made more space, but that also got filled up right away.  I knew I was going to need to buy shelving or something to go vertical as I had no more flat space.  That was when I decided to bring in a microgreen shelf with all the lights.  I had taken it apart weeks earlier and had set all the pieces downstairs. I put the  little clips that went with it in a different location knowing I didn't want to forget them or lose them somehow.  When I went to go put them together, the clips were gone - nowhere to be seen.  I searched the whole house turning everything upside down.  This was Satan's way of putting me under a cloud.  I was already feeling overwhelmed.  I was already feeling fearful that I wasn't going to sell anything.  I was always fighting every form of fear.  So I stopped.  I knew what was going on and I just prayed - By faith I said, "Thank you.  Thank you that I can't find the clips."

I told RM what had happened and he said we'd buy more shelving.  We had to anyway.  I stopped worrying about it.  I gave it up.  A couple days went by.  I knew I would be either dreaming about plants or kept up at night about something garden-y and sure enough, on Friday night, I was woken up with an idea. I suddenly remembered we had more unused shelving in the storage room in the barn - two sets of shelves that would be perfect for the seedling room.  We could buy lights for them and they would make more room for all the additional trays.  I woke up the next morning and had one of the boys go get them for me.  I re-organized the whole seedling room once again so that the plants went against the walls and so that I could walk in the middle of them to water them all.  Then, as I was sorting stuff out, I was near the place where I knew I had looked 100 times for the shelving clips, and out of the corner of my eye I saw the container they were in.  It couldn't be - I had looked so many times.  But I walked over anyway and picked it up and there they were.  My husband always tells me the German expression that says the devil hid it with his tail.  That's what happened I'm sure.  Somehow they were made invisible in order to make me upset, but I hadn't succumbed.  That morning that I found them I had been once again been feeling a little worried, not about the clips, I had surrendered them, but it came back to the garden - Was I in over my head?  Finding the clips that morning, having my eyes opened to the new space yet again for the seedling room, realizing I had shelving on site that I didn't have to go buy....these were all mini messages from the Lord for me that day.  On top of it all my phone was resurrected - that it another true miracle.  It looked like it had been shot, but the phone clinic at the mall somehow managed to get it working again and I didn't lose any data.  Anyone else would see things like that and just move on with their day without acknowledging a miracle had happened.  I feel like God speaks to me very specifically - in my language - even in the middle of the night.

I even have help for the garden.  So many people are in lockdown, but you can work on farms with proper guidelines followed.  I will definitely be needing teams of people soon in order to prep the beds and plant the plants.  The kids have friends who are so desperate to get out of their houses that they have agreed to help - I pay in vegetables!  I'm so excited.  I've also surrendered my garden many times now.  When the worry comes, I realize that it's because I grabbed the garden back.  If nothing grows, I have learned so much about transplanting, about each vegetable, what each one needs to germinate...it is so amazing to learn about each plant!  So even if nothing sells, I'm excited about how much I am learning anyway.

Hay miracles, seedling room miracles, shelf miracles, phone miracles.....I don't know why I ever worry when God is so clearly in all that I am doing and when He is so clearly talking to me all the time, in "my language".

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