Monday 5 April 2021

Two Weeks Later

I'm nearly two weeks from post-surgery.  Turns out I had to have two surgeries back to back.  What was supposed to be routine surgery, where a "lipoma" was removed, ended up becoming a hematoma surgery as I guess they missed cauterizing a blood vessel after the first surgery.  I had no idea what was going on.  All I knew was I woke up from surgery one and was asked by the nurse what my pain levels were. "Four," I said.  Then suddenly, I said, ", eight....?"  She quickly went and looked at my back and called the doctor.  I guess the broken blood vessel was creating quite the mess under my skin, blood was pooling and raising into something not good.  This is where I'm just so grateful.  Somehow the doctor and the whole surgical team was still there.  Somehow they managed to organize everything quickly and I, unbelievably, went back into surgery to fix the hematoma.  What if I had been at home?  So grateful I wasn't.  So all went well and I slept the day away.  I ended up with a 5 inch incision and bruising all over, but not even two weeks later and I'm pretty much back to normal.  I think I have a health angel.

Now that that is, literally, behind me, I'm back at garden planting.  I have lots of transplants going and am waiting anxiously for the seeds we ordered a while ago.  Hopefully they come soon.

RM is in the vines pruning.  I will go in today, tying up what he pruned.  All the kids have been asked to give 2-4 hours a day starting this week.  This will be a whole family affair otherwise we won't get in done in time.  Then, I start in the concords and I'll begin my vine crafts again.  

This will probably be the week I start selling CSA boxes.  I've written the blurb explaining what it is and am excited to see what comes of it.  I have yet to post it though.  If I post it, then people will actually respond or will they?  or won't they?  See, I'm still kind of freaking out in my mind.  I still can't believe this could actually happen.  I still think we're half nuts or maybe entirely nuts, but every time I think or say that, I'll read another verse on fear or my husband will stop me and remind me about my lack of faith, so I plow ahead....haha, get it?  Plow?  So many great farming hard can it be to grow a garden, really.....

Easter was a lovely day, beautiful sun and warmer than it had been, but it has become so awful to not connect with family.  How long can this go on?

We know we are entering potentially the last season of being 10 people.  Older kids are getting more serious in their relationships and we know life is going to change soon, so we are trying to enjoy and embrace these final days and months just the ten of us.  I'm praying that I will live in the moment these days, not looking too far ahead, or wishing for this or that to happen, or even dreading or worrying about the future.  I recognize each day is a gift and I want to try to appreciate each moment.

I will say the pandemic has allowed me to let go of certain things that used to stress me out, like a messy house.  I still long for order, but this past week when the lockdown was extended, my 10 year old wanted to move all the toys out of the toy room under the stairs so he could have a little "nook"/bedroom.  "Sure!  Why not?" I said.  This means all my toy crates are all over the place now as they really have no home otherwise, but who cares?  No one is coming over anyway.  And so that is a great example of letting stuff go that would normally make me crazy.  And now, the funny thing is, he's moved in there and has slept in there for days.  

What a funny house we have.  Entering the final stage of school before the, time flies....

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