Wednesday 14 April 2021

The Hay Miracle

I swear our hay is multiplying.  We keep selling it and RM will say, "Well, that clears us out...." and then after the truck leaves or someone else comes by to pick up a different load, he'll go back in the barn and say, "Huh, seems like there's a few more bales in there!"  "How many?" I'll ask.  "Oh, about 200 or so, maybe another load."  Then last night, another load left, 300 bales worth, and he came back in and said, " seems like there's another load still there."  "How many?"  "Maybe another 300?"  "Uh, isn't that what you said last time?"  He has said this at least 3 or 4 times.  It seems like our barn won't empty.  It really seems like it is multiplying.  AND last year, during the lockdown, we couldn't sell trailer loads of hay - the borders were closed.  This year, by God's grace, we are able to sell it to the US again which is literally a miracle of loaves and fishes proportions!  It's amazing! 

Also, though I did NOT sell out, I did get my first official order for a CSA box - this tells me I'm going to have to do some leg work.  Even so, someone was crazy enough to trust me to grow vegetables for them.  They paid us in advance which is also crazy.  I'm excited to grow vegetables for these people!  I have two more unofficial orders, i.e. they haven't paid, but verbally agreed to pay, so that's good, too.  Our next step is to make flyers that I deliver door to door.  I'm not discouraged.  The boxes will sell.  If God can multiply hay He can multiply orders of boxes and grow the vegetables.

1 comment:

  1. So neat to hear His multiplication miracles are at work for you PTL and for His goodness and faithfulness and for His provision for your garden and buyers! ox
