Wednesday 4 February 2015

Cats and Kittens, a Blessing from Above?

Our spazzy kitten is missing this morning.  This kitten keeps us entertained, no joke, for hours. He is the son of the other two cats we own, so we have a happy family of 3 cats, all related.  The male cat is the one who was stolen, neutered, vaccinated and then, ha, returned to us, to stay.  He's a huge cat. The mother cat is a tiny little thing and, surprise, surprise, is pregnant again.  I envy this cat - she takes the baby weight off fast and is very fertile, clearly.  The kitten is tiny like his mom and was literally the runt of the litter.  He tries to beat up his dad all the time and I'm telling you, there is no funnier thing in the world to watch.

Since his dad got neutered, sorry to say, he's lost all his manliness and fights like a....neutered cat. Before, he could have taken on a lion and won.  Now he gets beat up by this little son of his and we all sit around and laugh our heads off.

First, we help the fight get started by putting them in the same room.  It doesn't take too long after that.  The little rascal will jump on his dad's head.  The dad is so tolerant of this and will lie there for the first few minutes just taking it, but eventually, enough is enough and he suddenly turns on his son and the fight has begun.

We shut the baby gate and the other door and they can't escape.  Then we just sit back, watch, and howl.  It is truly one of the funniest things to watch as this tiny little kitten attacks this massive cat. Jump after jump onto the back of this beast, just to fall off and do it again. Then, we joke, it turns into "all-terrain" fighting where the big cat tries to get away from his annoying son and starts climbing the furniture.  The little cat loves this.  Then he scampers up the couch and leaps onto the big cat from a higher position.  The big cat has the ability to finish the little one off in one fell swoop, but never does.  It's almost as if they know this is just for fun and that they have an audience.

We film it, it's that funny.  We started talking that it must be like what the Romans used to do, putting these sorry people in the middle of the Coleseum with lions and then considering it entertainment!  I guess we aren't much better, oh dear.

This little cat is quite the wimp with the cold weather and absolutely stays inside.  The older cats both wander around outside for a few minutes and then come back in eventually.  My kids figure the little guy needs "character training".  This involves 2 minutes of standing outside and then back in. Yesterday, he was taken out for his training session and then the kids either forgot about him or he found a spot in the barn to hang out, but he spent the whole night outside.  Fortunately it wasn't as cold as the rest of the week, so I can only assume he'll show up sometime this morning, but boy, oh boy, our house will not be the same if something happened to him.

How does this possibly tie-in to debt-reduction????  Because these fluffy balls of fur are gifts from God!  We absolutely love them and the hilarious personalities they have!  We see them as an amazing way that God blesses us, for free, with their circus acts they perform each day (sometimes twice a day!)  We laugh and laugh and never tire of their antics.  We don't have to leave our house for this - we have a regular performance every day.  Even writing about it shows me how important it is to count even these little blessings.  The cats add so much to our life - our home is certainly busy and fun without them, but it is even funnier with them!

We're already looking forward to the next set of kittens so much.  You want humour?  Get 5 kittens in a room, shut all the gates again and watch out for a barrel of laughs as they attack each other and fall all over the place only to get up and do it all again.  They never seem to tire of it and yet suddenly, you look over and they are all dead asleep.  It's the funniest thing.

So, I can find joy even in cats.  Being debt-free would bring us even more joy, but in the meantime, we've got cats!

We've been praying about garage doors for awhile and asking the Lord for a way to pay for them as they are becoming vitally necessary to RM getting his work done in the shop. When my husband went into his shop the day of the snowstorm, he could have sworn it had gone on inside the shop as there was as much snow inside as outside!  But then, a couple of neat work-related things have shown us that maybe there is a way God is going to provide the money to pay for these doors after all.

He recently finished a contract where the people he worked for were very pleased with his work. They asked for a quote on some other work and, get this, they said they'll pay him in advance and he can do the work at his leisure!  Who ever says that????  In advance?  Never.

Then, several years ago when we built the house we had to pay a deposit on the land we bough to get it graded, etc.  We were always supposed to get that money back and we fought for it for a long time even considering small claims court as we were getting nowhere with the people we were dealing with.  Then yesterday, out of the blue, RM decided to give one more call to the contractor.  Somehow he actually got in touch with him and the guy knew exactly what RM was talking about and said he would look into it.  It sounded very positive.  If that money came back to us along with the other contract, the doors could be paid for.  It would sure be interesting if that happened as we thought we needed that money a long time ago.  Maybe God had it set aside for us all along, knowing when we would need it most?

When we were at this 60s party the other night it was at a friend's house that had recently moved. Their other house that they had moved from was something else.  It was huge, totally renovated with a glam kitchen, perfect landscaping, a pool, etc.  They only had two girls living at home and they felt it was time to downsize.  With the sale of that home they would be able to completely pay off their mortgage.  They did it.

Their new house is on a much bigger property in a very beautiful area, but it is a much smaller home and doesn't have quite the glam, though they've renovated it, too (debt-free, I might add).  I asked them about their new philosophy and the husband simply said, "It just makes sense!  Why would you do anything on credit?"  He was very matter-of-fact.  The house is much smaller, but they don't need more space.  The husband joked, "I'm not worried anymore if I lose my job.  I have no expenses to worry about."  In fact, he had lost his job recently and they celebrated by going on a cruise!  Who can do that????????  I want to be able to celebrate like that!

We thought going to that party would have just been a little night out, but God uses everything.  We ended up leaving that evening with another dose of inspiration to stay on track.  And so we will....

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