Tuesday 9 February 2016

At Once

I read a great devotional yesterday on the words, "At once....".  The writer was referring to the time Jesus was sent out into the desert, immediately following His baptism in the Jordan River, "At once, the Spirit sent Him out into the desert." (Mark 1:12)  The reason this phrase is so interesting is because of the verses right before it. Verse 10 refers to the Holy Spirit descending on Jesus "like a dove". Then in verse 11, we read the famous phrase, "You are my Son, whom I love, with you I am well pleased."  It is at this point, "at once" that Jesus gets sent out into the desert.  It seems so strange, right after God is so pleased with Him, He puts Him to a test?  We think it isn't fair or that it isn't a way to show favour, is it?

This is the writer's point though.  He says, "the actual suddenness of the change is proof that it is not abnormal."  He goes on to say that the words "at once" actually bring comfort.  The words "at once" are used to "simply show that it is the sequel to the blessing.  God shines His light on you to make you fit for life's deserts, Gethesemanes, and Calvaries.  He lifts you to new heights to strengthen you so that you may go deeper still.  He illuminates you so He may send you into the night, making you a help to the helpless."

What is also interesting to note is that Jesus enters into a 40 day stand-off with Satan and immediately following that His ministry on Earth begins.  Perhaps that time in the Jordan was what got Him through.  His "mountain top" experience was what helped prepare Him.

I found that so encouraging as I often have days that are just amazing - blue sky, warm breezes, happy children....and then all of a sudden, bad news, or a fight breaks out and the eternal moment is lost...."at once".  If I see things with this new perspective, then I can handle the lows better.  Perhaps God has given me those eternal moments to help me through those low, darker times. 

About a year ago we were in a dark time with our other church.  It was just when Lent was about to start and I committed to a 40 day time of praying and fasting certain things asking the Lord to clarify what we were to do.  A year later, I look back as we are about to enter into the period of Lent again and I am amazed at what God has done in a year and how He answered all of my prayers during that time.  We now find ourselves in an amazing church under great leadership experiencing tremendous peace.  The potential to be involved is fantastic.  In fact our family (minus me and the younger ones) have signed up to be on a worship team.  I'm involved in the Ladies' ministry, my husband is involved with the men's ministry.  It gets better every week.  I'm convinced we were able to get through that dark time and come out the other side fairly unscathed due to all the prayer that was going on.  In fact, I think my 40 day prayer experience was exactly what got us through.  If I hadn't been so specifically praying and received such specific answers, I think I would have doubted why we suddenly found ourselves in the wilderness and not just for a week or two, but for many months.  I'm so glad to say, we made it out!  I praise God again for His goodness and the lessons we learned along the way.

Lent begins tomorrow.  We are not Catholic and I'm fairly certain that Lent has its roots in "tradition", even religion, earning your salvation, but that is not how we look at it.  We look at these next 40 days as an opportunity once again to devote ourselves to preparing for Easter and how we can celebrate the power of His resurrection.  Like I said, what He did a year ago amazes me, how He answered our prayers.  We are not making any of our kids do this if they are not led, but all of the older ones are committed to giving up something hard (dare I say ice cappuccinos?  My one daughter is slightly addicted, so that was big....)  We talked a long time about it last night, making sure they understood this is about the gospel, not just for the sake of tradition.  We are praying for hurting friends, nephews looking for work, families with children who have turned from the faith, and of course, freedom from the bondage of debt, for us and others.  It is a spiritual discipline, fasting, that Jesus expects us to do.  He doesn't say, "if you fast", He says, "When you fast...."  So that is what our next 40 days will look like.  I'm excited simply because of what God has done in our last year.  What will He do this year?

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Paula! I appreciate your perspective & was blessed by it! The Lord certainly does see us through those dark times - in His time!
