Monday 22 February 2016

Consider Jesus

This weekend we headed over the border for a Tenth Avenue North concert.  We were going because my daughter loves their music and had bought tickets for her friend for her birthday, but alas, she needed a chaperone and I just so happen to enjoy their music, too (a great Christian band....very moving lyrics).  We kind of "accidentally" bought the VIP tickets (thanks to an awesome oversight by my friend!) so this meant we got to meet the band, along with a small group of people, ask them questions and hear a couple of songs acoustically.  I was shocked by how moved I was to listen to them, hear them talk, and even pray.

I had been told their concert would be "too much of a performance", "showy".  I went in a bit skeptical.  But at the end of the Q and A, the lead singer, Mike, prayed a prayer that brought me to tears.  He asked the Lord, "If there is anyone here tonight that is saying, "No" to God that they would learn to say, "Yes" because that is where all the problems start, when we say, 'No' to God."  He went on to pray for those who might be there who had hearts of stone, that God would give them a heart of flesh.  He went on and on it seemed along those lines.  It wasn't a prayer of someone trying to be "showy".  He clearly was praying what the Holy Spirit had put on his heart.

The concert followed the same tone.  In fact, each band that went on before them had that same prayerful and giving-God-the-glory feel.  As well, each band showed all the lyrics for every single song, so that you could sing along with them.  That kept it from being a show all about them because it made the audience part of the singing experience.  It was amazing to go thinking you would be watching some great bands, but then end up being at a concert praising God along with the singers on stage.  It gave me a small glimpse of what heaven would be like.

It was such a musical extravaganza!  It was almost more than I could take in...there was just so much amazing music and sounds coming from the stage.  Incredibly talented artists.  I went home unexpectedly full and inspired, grateful to God for their talents and how they are using them for His glory.  We talked about it all weekend as several of our children and even RM were able to take it in as well.

Back to regular life the rest of the weekend....Sunday brought us to church, of course.  I must really need to learn from Hebrews because we studied it at our last church and here we are again, back in Hebrews.  I'm getting a lot out of it even though I feel like I was just there.

The phrase that struck me this past weekend was from chapter 3, verse 1, "Consider Jesus".  It isn't a passing comment or a suggestion like, "You might want try this out."  No, it is much more of a command, "Focus on Jesus, whatever you do."  The reason?  Because it is very easy to fall away, even as a believer.  Verse, 12 says, "Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God."  It doesn't seem possible to fall away, but it is in fact very easy....if we don't "consider Jesus" and by that the writer means, whatever you do, do not take your eyes off Jesus.  Focus on Him 100%.  If we needed proof that you can fall away, all you have to do is look at the Israelites.  Who knows how they fell away so badly after all that God did for them getting them out of slavery in Egypt, but they were clearly used as an example for us that even when God does miracle after miracle in our lives, we can still take our eyes off of Him and lose out on the Promised Land like they did if we aren't careful.  Such a good warning.

Last week's message on chapter 2 of Hebrews reminded us of how that can happen.  It doesn't always seem like God has things under control.  Things don't go as we planned and we lose heart, so we take our eyes off of him, just for a second, and we start to panic.  Verse 8 jumped out at me though as the gentle reminder that we still need to trust, even if things don't appear to be under God's control, "Now in putting everything in subjection to Him, He left NOTHING OUTSIDE HIS CONTROL.  AT PRESENT, WE DO NOT YET SEE EVERYTHING IN SUBJECTION TO HIM."  Isn't that it?  He has left "nothing outside His control", but it doesn't appear that way all the time.  It looks like nothing is being controlled by Him.  But the next phrase is what we need to see, "we do not YET see everything in subjection to Him."  Yet.  That is the key word in the whole verse.  It means, "it doesn't appear that all things are in His control, but they are...and there is a day coming when we will see that." 

It's simply faith, trusting, waiting.  Chapter 2 went on to describe how Jesus' death ultimately delivered those who were "subject to lifelong slavery" from the "fear of death".  We think we are slaves to debt, but really fear of any kind is true slavery.  Reading that reminded me that fear itself is slavery.  I'm so grateful that He has been releasing me of fear over the last few years.  I never realized the bond it had in my life.  I sing those songs in church now about the freedom Christ brings and tears always come to my eyes.

We delivered on a contract this week.  We were hopeful that another one was coming, but we had no purchase order.  Sure enough, on the day of delivery, RM got the papers for the next small contract.  God is faithful.  But He makes sure to keep us faithful as He didn't give us that order until the other one was done!  We're so grateful.

Last thing....we know we are supposed to hospitable.  We love having people over, but lately, since Christmas, our house is a shambles.  Walls are still exposed in some places, wires are hanging out, some lights don't even work.  It has potential written all over it!  But it just isn't done yet.  We are waiting on money, waiting on time, waiting on an imaginary crew to come in and help!  But we really felt we were supposed to have people over from this new church.  Fine, fine, fine.  We invited a family over.  We did our best to clean up.  Guess what they said when they walked in, "We love your house!"  Impossible.  Didn't they see that none of the trim was on the walls or door frames?  Didn't they see all the wires?  Or the unfinished floors?  No.  They didn't.  I think that is the best example of how I can so easily take my eyes off "considering Jesus" and fall for the "deceitfulness of sin" and pride.  By being obedient and doing hospitality anyway, despite our incomplete house, we ended up being blessed and supposedly they were blessed, too!  A great reminder to not make hospitality all about me, but instead about the guest.  That is the difference, I once heard, between entertaining and hospitality.  Entertaining is all about the host, how great they are, how beautiful their house is, how nicely displayed the food it, etc.  Hospitality is about the guest, how special they are meant to feel, how they are treated.  I'm still learning.....

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