Friday 14 February 2014

Redeeming Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day.  Doesn't it feel like Hallmark is taking advantage of us?  Is it possible to redeem these worldly holidays?  I think so.  I simply take them as an opportunity to bless my family and make their day just a little more special.  Who doesn't enjoy a little shaking up of the normal, mundane routine of oatmeal?

But, something happened this year.  My kids grew up and guess what, I got kicked out of the kitchen.  I've been told to not come downstairs until I'm told.  But I'm supposed to be the one blessing them!  Maybe all those years of trying to make their life a little brighter on certain days is paying off....I'm starting to get treated like a queen.  Nancy Campbell said this would happen.  I'm really enjoying this!

However, they don't know I'm still up to something.  I got a ton of berries on sale and some chocolate chips, also on a major sale.  I'm going to simply melt some chocolate later on today, dip some strawberries (and/or bananas) into it and then roll in some chopped walnuts (or some healthy flax seed!) for a yummy treat at snack time.  It doesn't have to be expensive.  It doesn't even have to be red.  Just something a little different, like heart-shaped pancakes, to make their day fun.  I love fun.

So, I can thank Hallmark for the little reminder, but I don't have to buy super expensive roses or boxes of chocolates.  Maybe, if I can, I'll even take a minute to write a quick note to my kids - my parents used to do that for me.  Those notes don't cost money either.

Other years, RM and I used to go out for dinner, but now we just make a special dinner at home.  Tonight we'll be watching (if we can locate the link!) to a live Paul Washer event (the whole family will listen in as our family devotional time).  He is one of the most inspiring preachers you'll ever hear.  Tune in if you can.  He's speaking at Redeemer University in Ancaster, Ontario tonight at a youth conference (google it as I don't have the link yet).  What a great way to spend a Valentine's night!

For RM, I bought him a special coffee that he loves (also on a major sale with a flyer).  I already know he purchased a little something for me that is small, but a special token.  Several evenings a week, when the kids go to bed, we enjoy special evenings together by the fireplace, talking for literally hours - it sometimes makes for a short night of sleep, but I wouldn't miss it for the world.  Tonight will be no different.  I look forward to it.

Should we have spent anything at all?  Is that breaking our vows?  I don't think so.  The things I purchased we need for breakfast anyway!  The chocolate added up to less than $8 and I'm not planning on using it all today.  So I might be using $2 worth today - that's pretty good for chocolate!

Decorating?  Nothing special this year.  Other years the girls have made crafts.  I actually think they have made some crafts...I just haven't seen them yet!  I'll find out when I come downstairs.

On another note....we are now into the period of Lent - Ash Wednesday was this week.  Forty days before Easter.  This is always a special period of time, focused prayer, preparing for the reason Jesus came to this world.

This year, I've asked RM if we can pray together every morning for these next forty days - specifically for our debt, that it really will be cleaned up faster than we think is humanly possible, for our children (specifically for the ones who are struggles at certain times), for his work, that God would bless it, and anything else that comes to mind, but those things in particular.  We've been doing this already and I'm already seeing God move.  What an awesome school day it was yesterday, particularly with one of my children who has been giving me a tremendous challenge - I couldn't believe the difference.  It wasn't because God suddenly made him obey me.  It was because suddenly I received an idea that I hadn't used in 6 years.

Perhaps you smarty-pants moms out there already do this, but I hadn't done it in a long time because, well, frankly, it meant creating another file on the computer, going to RM's office to print it just seemed too big a task when I feel like I have so little time as it is.  My idea?  Well, it's very simple, don't get too excited....I made a weekly assignment schedule for him with boxes to check off after each subject.  Like I said, pretty simple.  Each subject is listed, followed by a list of the days of the school week.  Beside each day I write what he is to finish in that subject.  The empty box is across from that.  I think what was overwhelming for me was that I thought I had to sit down on a Sunday evening and think through the whole week about what he was supposed to finish.  I didn't want to do that.  Yesterday, I simply sat beside him and wrote it out, in all of 5 minutes, what I hoped he could accomplish in each subject.  Then, and here's the magic....I gave him a sticker and positive comment beside each thing done.  Oh my goodness.  You would have thought I was a miracle worker.  Now, it was only the first day, so the novelty will probably wear off, but yesterday, if that boy didn't finish every single thing I asked him to - with no fussing.  Unbelievable.

I share this because of the power of prayer.  I picked up The Power of a Praying Parent which I hadn't picked up in years and I decided that is an area I really want to kick up a notch - pray for my kids, in all areas of their, direction, school, future spouses, get the idea.  So these next forty days I will be doing just that.  Another free idea that can only benefit your children!  What a gift!  If I knew someone was praying specifically for me for forty days I'd be thrilled!

Well, I can smell something cooking in the kitchen.  I'm a blessed mom today.  I have a lounging husband in the bed behind me.  His daughter is about to bring us a coffee!  Is this for real?  When did our kids grow up?  I'm really starting to enjoy the new season of life we've entered!  The baby is yelling at the top of his lungs, "Momma!  Momma!"  But they just keep stuffing him with blackberries, so I know he's fine - they handle him, so that I have a little break.  I'm going to soak this moment up.....stick with it young mom, all those years you put in will come back to you hundredfold!

1.  I'm thankful for my children.
2.  I'm thankful for opportunities to switch up the routine a little.
3.  I'm thankful for the way all those early years of sacrifice are starting to pay off!
4.  I'm thankful for cheap gift ideas.
5.  I'm thankful for old assignment sheets that worked miracles yesterday and for stickers!!!!!!


  1. Well said, dear does come back to you. Love, Mom

  2. I can't tell you how grateful I am for your wonderful blog/posts.. We are in a similar place and your blogs are encouragement and refreshment for my soul beyond words. Thank you for allowing God to use you in this way!!! SO grateful!!!!!! It's so inspiring to hear people living out God's Word and going against the grain of what the world is telling us we need to be happy/content. Thank you!!!

  3. very encouraging!! Thinking you had a great Valentines! :)

  4. Loved this one! Glad to know you got a little pampered!
