Friday 17 October 2014

ABC's of Financial Freedom and Chapter 8 - Homeschool Conference Man!

I got my hands on Barry Cameron's book, The ABC's of Financial Freedom, this week.  He's the one we heard speak a year ago.  I'm excited to read the book together as a family to restart our resolve.  As I perused it last night I was reminded that he got out of debt in two years and that wasn't any small amount of debt, but a large amount of debt.  When he gave the talk he alluded to a few things he and his family did, but because his talk wasn't even an hour he couldn't give a lot of details.  I'm looking forward to reading the details now and hearing more of his story.  We can't fly down to hear him and he isn't planning on making any trips up this way anytime soon, but I think we need to be reminded of the reasons we are doing this and why it is so critical to stay the course.  I love marking anniversaries of all kinds and this weekend is the anniversary of hearing him speak - I'm trusting for a miracle this upcoming year as we look ahead to another year of ridiculous budgeting, hard sacrifices, major cutbacks (already thinking about the dreaded Christmas debate) and then seeing the freedom from bondage.

Back to Stephanie.....

Chapter 8 - Is it a Bird, or a Plane?  No, It's Homeschool Conference Man!

There he was, helping at the homeschool conference, (hovering possibly?) near our booth.  Hmmm...there's a nice, single young man, Renaissance Man observed.  "Hey Mr. A (that's how I'll refer to our knight in shining armour), can you give me a hand over here?" RM called out.  In a flash, Mr. A ran over and RM ever-so-quickly and casually introduced him to Miss Stephanie who apparently doesn't remember much of this first encounter.  For a few minutes he helped RM take down the booth and then just like he came, he was gone. 

On the way home, I got a call from RM, "I met the guy who is going to marry Stephanie." "Really?" I asked.  Wow, that was fast, I thought to myself.  But then he told me who he was.  It made total sense.  The oldest of four eligible brothers, from a wonderful well-known homeschooling family in homeschool circles, an engineer (just like RM), a godly Christian man who seemed to be going places.....perfect.  Our answer to prayer.  That was in April.

Just a couple of months later, there we were planning, with Stephanie's help, our conference that was to be held in the first week of June.  We were flying by the seat of our pants trying to coordinate everything on a budget.  Out of the blue, Mr. A's parents contacted us and said they were available to do all the sound for us, for free, along with their boys.  At this point, they weren't trying to get their son together with Stephanie.  I don't think they even knew who she was, they were just supporting us as they believed strongly in what we were about and wanted to sincerely be of help to us.  It was a major miracle as far as we were concerned as we had no one to run the sound for us that weekend.

The day of the conference came.  Stephanie was wearing her cutest outfit and was all aglow as she was still in the mindset of "you never know when Mr. Right is going to walk into your life".  In came Mr. A's family to set everything up.  I wasn't there, I would come later, but I know more re-introductions were made and a few more conversations would happen throughout the day.  What was interesting for me was when Mrs. A (his mom) came up to me.   I wish I could remember the exact wording of our conversation.  What I do remember was that there was a lot of eyebrow raising and finger pointing toward two single individuals.  We said something along the lines of this, "Sooo...what would you think about those two?" Mrs. A asked.  "Oh, we've already considered it.  Have you?"  "Oh yes, Sr. A (his dad) and I have been observing her all day and really like what we see."  "Oh really," I said.  "What can we do about this?"  I continued.  "I think we are going to have to stay in touch," she said.  "I agree, " I said smiling.  "Let's try to connect sometime after you've had the baby and get our "families" together (as she knew technically Stephanie wasn't one of our children, but we could make her one if necessary!).  That was it.  No more was said that day between her and I, though I think Mr. A was starting to make the moves towards Stephanie....again, hovering, always hovering, wherever she was.  I found out later they had many conversations all throughout the day.  I think Mr. A had a  plan.  I also found out at some point in the conversation with his mom, that Mr. A had asked his parents to help him find a wife.  I think they thought they may have found her.

Stephanie was excited.  She enjoyed meeting him and was intrigued.  It wasn't long after, perhaps a month or two, when I got the call and the official invite to meet the Z family (Mr. A's parents - sorry about all the letters.....)  I was asked if I could make sure Stephanie came.  Uh, yeah, of course!  I asked if Stephanie was free and she definitely was - cancelled all plans I think to make sure she could be there.

The big day came to go visit.  She was nervous, looking great again!  Almost as soon as we got there, Mr. A was on the scene.  He wasn't being shy about his interest in her.  She was oddly comfortable right from the start - kicked off her shoes and joined the brothers and all my kids in a big game of soccer.  She showed them that she was just as fun as any kid or brother out there!  I'm sure that was impressing him.  During lunch, he stuck to her side like glue.  No wondering which brother was most interested here!  Eventually we all went home and it was clear, she was one happy girl and he was one interested man.

1 comment:

  1. I've now read the whole saga to Andrew and we can't wait for the next post!
